
Good Mother... Bad Friend.... But I know what I did was best.?

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Ok. I am 19w3d pregnant. with my first. a boy. so happy. but to my question, I have a friend who recently got into Meth. she started to date a Meth Dealer. she wanted to get out. I felt bad for her, even tho I know she got herself into the situation. She left her boyfriend for this Dealer. so she calls me and asks if she can stay with me for a few weeks... I felt so bad, but I talked with my husband and we both agreed it would just not be a good idea. I don't want those people that she is with knowing where I live. We don't have just us to think about anymore. Joshua will be here in 4 months and a 6 days. I felt bad for telling her know. but I know that it was the best decision to make for my family. I know it was right.... I just want to hear it from someone else that I made the right decision. I know they say that when they want help to help them. but I got scared. I don't want to be mixed up in the stuff when I have my son to think about. Thanks for answering.




  1. You were right. You need to put your family first....and if your friend is into Meth, you shouldn't put your family into a situation like that. You shouldn't feel bad about not helping her.

  2. I say you are a good mother-to-be.

    I don't personally wish to associate with drug dealers, or anyone linked either. It's too risky.

    Especially with an unborn baby on the way. It's a bit unfair you were put in the situation to begin with!

  3. Totally best friend was living with me and she was smoking meth...I never knew it until I was cleaning out the bathroom one day and there was a lightbulb and a straw under the counter...I talked to her and told her she had to get out...I was 6 months pregnant with my daughter at the time and she had to go!!!! meth does something to them and they never come back from takes brain cells that cannot be replaced. It is a terrible drug and they need professional help not just friends when they get started on did right....

  4. if shes going to get clean shes going to have to be strong and not be dependent on someone else "rescuing" her. the only way she will stop using drugs is if she is totally committed to leaving that lifestyle behind. she cant even be around people who use or she will be more likely to fall back into bad habits. you made the right choice!  


  6. I also think you were right.  She should have known better than to get mixed up with that herself.  It was selfish of HER to ask you to invite her to stay with you, when she knows you're expecting.  I wouldn't blame you.  I would definitely do the same in that situation.

    She may be mad right now, and she may stay mad for a while.  But if she's any kind of decent person, she'll hopefully see eventually, that you were in the right on this one.

  7. You did the right thing! and if she was at your house and it got raided and they found drugs in your house, you would go to jail too.

  8. Good for you!

    Meth and the people who use it are nasty, and you DON'T need any of that around your family.  Congrats on the baby and for protecting yourself and your family!

  9. Yes, it is ok for you to say no. You and your family need to be safe. Maybe, you could help her find a safe place to stay and get help. Meth is real bad from everything I hear.

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