
Good Mothers day projects for preschoolers??

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I need some ideas for craft projects that 3yr olds can make for mothers day. Most of them can't read or write, but its in a day care center so we have los of supplies




  1. My daughter brought home a decorated paper cup with a marigold in it.  They had planted seeds and let them grow in class.  They had decorated the cups themselves (they were the larger cups) with various cut outs and markers and such.  I have that flower's descendants still in my garden!  

    A single envelope of marigold seeds would do for a whole class.  You'd only need to plant two in each cup.   And they'd have time to at least to sprout before mother's day if you do them very early next week.  The important thing of course, is making the cup beautiful.  

    OR one year, the teacher took polaroids of each individual child and the child then created a 8 1/2 x 11 construction paper card with their photo in the middle and the rest decorated with cut outs and markers.  I still have that one too.

    This one takes more work from the teacher, but one year, the teacher had them make up little construction paper booklets -- she had cut out the paper into squares, hole punched them in one corner and tied them together thru that hole with yarn.  Inside, the teacher had written questions that she asked the child about time with their mother. Like " what is my favorite thing to do with Mom," or "why is my mom special", things of that nature.  Then she wrote down exactly what they said, no editing or cleaning up the grammar....just exactly what they said.  And then the kids decorated the booklet themselves with different kinds of art supplies.  I still have that one too!  Apparently I make a pretty good grilled cheese sandwich!   And my reading to her at night was her favorite thing to do.   That little booklet is one of my most treasured things.

    With my son, one thing that I have that I just love is they created a construction paper card with the child's handprint done in fingerpaint.  They decorated around it of course, but the main thing was the handprint.   Inside the teacher had glued a poem she'd printed off from somewhere about how the child will love the mother even more when he's grown up, but here's my handprint so you'll always remember how small I was.    And then of course the kids got the fun of decorating the card.

    There are lots of things you can have them do even though the children in your class are young.   Just remember to put the date somewhere on the project, so the Mom's will always be able to look back and see exactly what date something was made.  Believe me, you can't go wrong with a project like this -- the Moms are going to love whatever you do.  And the kids will have a ball gluing macaroni, construction cut outs, or whatever art supplies you use.


    Shelly Lovette's of her topics on this page is Mother's Day Gifts.  You can also check out her free printables and art might find something to use.

  3. Wow, I loooove the cherry blossom project with the popcorn. GENIUS IDEA!! Thanks!

  4. * This is a cool idea:

    Cherry Blossom Wall Hanging



    Blue Construction Paper

    Brown Marker or Paint

    Pink Powdered Tempera Paint

    Popped Popcorn (plain)


    Cardboard or Cardstock paper

    Give each child a sheet of blue construction paper.

    Show them how to make a tree trunk with the

    brown marker or paint (show them how to make a

    large Y on the paper and then add smaller

    lines in the middle for branches).

    Put the popcorn and some of the powdered

    pink paint in a plastic bag and shake.

    These will be your blossoms.

    Pour the pink popcorn onto a tray.  Put

    white craft glue on a paper plate and let

    the kids dip the popcorn into the glue and

    then stick to their tree brances to make

    their Cherry Blossom Tree.

    You can glue a piece of cardboard or cardstock

    to the back to stiffen the picture.

    Viola!  Your Cherry Blossom Tree

  5. Like surojabu said, the handprint idea is nice. I did this as a child and my parents still have it.

    The poem was slightly different though, it went something like this:

    This is my hand,

    So very small,

    for you to hang upon the wall.

    For you to watch as the years go by,

    How I grow,

    My hand and I.


    Another idea...I've noticed at bargain shops that you can buy little blank canvases for art for a couple of dollars. So if you had a small budget to spend, you could buy a little canvas for each child to paint for their mum.

    Then you could make cards with the children...they could do a drawing of their mum and you could ask them what they love about their mum, and you could scribe their words onto the card.

  6. Find a great handprint poem at the following address:

    It has been a guaranteed tear-jerker for eight years and counting and is one that the mothers will hold onto for a long time.

    Think about also adding a photograph of the child.  We have used extra copies of their school picture composites.

    You can also find simple Mother's Day booklets at  It takes time, but you fill in each child's answer and let them try to draw some pictures.  Ours turned out very cute!

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