
Good Nursing Bra?????

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Has anyone found a good nursing bra that they really like? I'm due in October so I figured if I started looking now maybe I could find one I like by then! I'd like something that has a little bit of padding to it.




  1. I am also due in October and just bought one from the Motherhood Maternity store.  They are pretty nice, but you can't get them in every size at the store.  I hope people give you lots of ideas so I can find some for myself! Good luck!

  2. Sorry this isn't an answer but i notice your a Cubs fan lets go Cubs.. By the way Congratulations!!!!!

  3. Walmart - Bestform - $8.00, super comfy!!

  4. I actually tried nursing bras and didn't really like them as I am very big chested and needed the extra support of an underwire which nursing bras in my size lacked.  I found that a good bra with a front clasp works great!!!
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