
Good Online College?

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I am going to be a freshman in college, and I want to attend online because I figure i'd save around $9000 by not getting a dorm or appartment. Most online schools that i've looked at are either too demanding (University of Pheonix wants 50 credits before i can enter my program) or don't have my intended major (counciling psychology/ psychology) any suggestions on a good online college? I'm looking for one that has my major, doesn't have the prereqs, and isn't too terribly expensive.





  1. Visit this site

    Here you will find enough information that will help you solving your question.

  2. Uh, I wouldn't recommend it. One of my professors told the class they were scams, and he's a very, very smart man. Go to a real college, my advice!

  3. I am at Kaplan University. I really like them and they do offer a Psychology degree online. You should check them out at

  4. Two good schools that I know of are Kaplan and Ashford Univ. They both have been around for a long time and have good records. Also, you should check out The site should give you specific info for your major. Just dont quit school like me, you'll regret it. Good Luck!

  5. Honestly, I couldn't tell, but I know there are websites that offer search engine type things to find the best online college that fits your needs. They often will call you to ask questions until they produce the best result for you. I'd try googling online college search engine.

    In my opinion, going to class is good too. Perhaps you can try attending a JC. They'll help you get started and many have online classes plus regular classes.

    Good luck and I hope you enjoy your freshman year!

  6. That's quite the paradox.
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