
Good Pets For a 5 year old?

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My son really wants a box turtle for his birthday. I have read that they are not very good pets for kids and require lots of specific care. Does anyone have an idea of a pet that might be good for a child this age? He does not want fish or a cat or dog. Any suggestions & info would be appreciated!




  1. I would say a parakeet or a slider turtle.

  2. a mouse, or a small turtle

  3. When I was a kid, my parents got me and my brother a rabbit and it was one of the best pets that I ever had.

    Really, consider it

  4. A Pet rock! well that's what my parents got for me they thought if i can care for a pet rock maybe i could be a tad responsible.

    Well i remember my first pet it was a hamster. They are really adorable and really easy to take care of. But like any other pets hamsters require care too. Hamsters sleep in the day time and is fairly awake at night. Your son can play with the pet too just make sure its under your supervision because sometimes accidents might occur such as having the hamster to get loose or your son hurting it. You can hold the hamster and have him stroke it. Or put it in a ball and let it roam and explore the house. Don't let it near stairs though.

    But your child is much to young for a pet in my opinion. Unless you're willing to help take care of it and that he's really responsible. But i think a hamster is a good idea for a beginners pet.

  5. mouse or gerbil that has been hand raised. that way they dont bite and they don't require a lot.

  6. chinchilla?  Parrot?  Cockatu?

  7. Really depends on the kid and the level of responsibility/gentleness he has.

    My neighbor's 5 year old had a gerbil, now has a hamster & 2 parakeets. He also comes here and plays with my rats. Very gentle and calm kid.

    Rats are wonderful pets, like to be held, less likely to bite than hamsters/gerbils, and pretty social & smart. They should be kept in pairs, of course. Ultimate kid-friendly pet, but ONLY if your kid is pet-friendly (no picking them up by the tail, no squeezing too hard, etc.)

  8. Let him wait another 5 years and pose the question again.  At 5 years old he is not going to take care of whatever critter appears in the house.  I have two 10 and 16, and I only get marginal assistance with their animals now.  It's probably waaaay too early for a pet.

  9. a gecko or hamster

  10. Hamster or a Rat? A small rodent of some type might be good for a kid that young.

    Turtles can carry diseases so you are right in not getting him one.

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