
Good Political move or ...........?

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kiss of death for the Democrats?

Do you think that this is a cynical move by the Republicans to steal away disgruntled Democrat voters or a real alternative?




  1. Yes, I think it was an excellent move.  People who wanted Hillary because she was a woman will obviously be tempted to vote for McCain.

  2. the tosser tossed a hail mary pass, if you know what I mean.

  3. Hmmmmm you know all about the kiss of death eh....!?

    Tactical genius

  4. I don't know that much about Sarah Palin but she is a looker. I suspect this is a ploy by McCain to win extra votes.

  5. Milfy.......nice  

  6. I want to criticize her because her husband works for the biggest oil drilling company in the world and I don't want more oil politicians in office to do nothing but raise gases, possibly to $7-10 as is their target with the next Republican. He recently went on-leave so there wouldn't appear to be a conflict of interest while his wife runs office, since his co. BP has been paying Alaska off to do offshore drilling and her husband helps lobby to increase oil taxes for a living. WAKE UP unless you love going broke keep sticking your head in the sand. I'm not gonna let a devil in disguise fool me but that's fine if guys get a hard on and vote for her so they can be a broke joke. I can't bring myself to vote for Obama, but I am not crazy to vote for more inflation and higher gas prices by oil cronies in office either.

    TODD PALIN WORKS FOR BP - world's largest oil co.

    TODD PALIN WORKS FOR BP - world's largest oil co.

    TODD PALIN WORKS FOR BP - world's largest oil co.

  7. John McCain only appointed this women to steal from Hilary supporters, its a clever move but this women is unknown in American politics so it may backfire

  8. No it isn't a cynical move, it's purely strategic and a real alternative.

    I would much rather see a female hold the office of VP than see Obama or Hillary as president.

    John McCain knows exactly what he's doing and he's doing it in the right way.

  9. Won't make any difference. Wait and see.

  10. I'm excited that women have been so prominent this year, but she's a total unknown. Alaska?

  11. Well, he could have done a lot worse!!!!!

    Obama did, and now he's worried he can't keep the Hillary voters.  He should have thought of that earlier, then maybe he would have been on a level playing field.  McCain has seen the light and acted on it.

    This looks to me like one smart move, and one smart cookie, and for once I have to say, a nice looking politician.  ; -- )

    Good for him.

  12. That's exactly what the Republicans wanted to do by picking Palin. They also wanted to bring back the ultra-conservatives that were hesitant to vote McCain. They got two things in one with Sarah Palin.

    The only problem is she will be attacked by Democrats for her lack of experience. She hasn't fully served her first term of governor in Alaska (although she has a 90% approval rating), and before that she served as mayor for a town of 5,700. Not exactly what I would call a seasoned veteran. She's also pro oil-drilling which the Dems will attack especially with gas prices this high.

    It seems like a good choice, but if McCain is president and he dies during his term remember she will be your new president.

  13. A very good move... A real alternative. Should bring America closer

    together. If he doesn't win, this would be a huge blow to the working women of America.

  14. Not cynical, the democrats compete to be more pro abortion then the next. McCain's choice was ingenious, the very best, she is not only well qualified and respected, she is pro life, pro family and tells the truth that people do not cause global warming as Al Gore says, just like people did not cause global cooling.

  15. She hunts, she fishes, she's a churchgoer and mother of 5.  Pro gun, anti abortion, anti same s*x marriage, opposed to environmental restrictions on drilling in Alaska - This McCain/Palin ticket may be a real alternative to Obama/Biden but it's identical to George and d**k.

    Husband works for BP eh? No wonder she's ok about drilling in Alaska.  Not sure if I actually managed to answer your question Michael so caught up in my rant was I.  Could be a cynical move or just desperate, I doubt Hillary loving Democrats will swing over just because McCain's running mate has b***s !

  16. Oh Dear! A Hillary in the making if i've ever seen one, but a younger version! Hopefully America have seen through this posh spice type of female and will now look deeper into the candidates lifestyle and not the hype that the press throws up! That is such a massive country - why can they not find DECENT, NON SELF- SEEKING people to run for Government - must they all be supported financially by those on the take? or make? Where are the Churchills in their society  and also where are they in ours anymore? Where are those wonderful people who believed in duty? We at least have two - our wonderful Queen Elizabeth 11 and her daughter, the Princess Anne. As for her three sons, i wouldn't give any of them house-room - they're not trustworthy nor to be relied upon in a time of need! Spoilt, petulant, silly boys indulged into manhood!

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