
Good Pool Games?

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What are some good games to play in the swimming pool... for 2-3 kids ages 8-14? Games besides the normal marco polo, catagories, etc.If you could also give instructions on how to play them, it would be much appreciated! Thanks!




  1. Its more fun with more than 2 ppl but u can still play it its called line tag u have 1 person be it and they call three lanes and if they arent standing on the line then u can tag them.  Its super fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Throw a lot of floating toys in the pool (inner tubes, rafts, etc)  and buy some SAFE projectile toys, such as water guns or a Nerf ball launcher specifically made for the pool.  Then give each kid a toy and tell them to go to town.  The rafts are there for people to dodge and hide.  Just make sure there's a rule that says you can't climb on the rafts or out of the pool (for safety reasons).

    I used to play this game and it was fun as h**l.

  3. sharks and minnows-depending on the amount of people playing, you have anywhere from 1-3 "sharks". they try to tag the "minnows" who swim from one side of the pool to the other. you cant tag them unless they are on top of the water. you can add rules about when you can, or cant tag them. but the main one is you can tag unless they are above the surface.

    here are some ideas about the rules:

  4. its really fun to just get a nerf football and play monkey in the middle (try to play catch while keeping the ball away from a certain person) or play shark (one person-theshark-trys to tag all the other kids and if you get tagged you are the new shark.
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