
Good Quotes ?

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What are good quotes in movies that are like 2-3 minutes in length ? I need to find one for my Speech class, and I don't know any. Thank you if you reply.




  1. the speech bill pullman gave in independence day right before he sends the pilots into war with the ufo is great.  gives me goose bumps every time i hear it.  :)

  2. It really depends on what the topic of your speech is? Does the quote have to relate to the speech or not? if not there are good quotes in the movie rocky.

  3. "There are a thousans and one gates leading to the orchard of mystical truth, every human being has his own gate. We must never make the mistake of wanting to enter the orchard by any gate but our own. To do this is dangerous for the one who enters and also for those who are alredy there"

    - Elie Wiesel

    it means: that everyone has to lead there own life and not anyone else's that wont be easy for anyone
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