
Good Reasons For.....?

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what are some good reasons for becoming a vegitarian? like, why do people become vegiterians?

Thanks in advance!




  1. Generally live longer, their diet promotes less animal abuse, they feel better about themselves, they have more energy & stamina (when eating a healthy low junk food diet), they dont get sick as often, better skin and hair...those are just some I can think of!

  2. 1. healthier life style

    2. good 4 diet

    3.disliking meat taste and smell

    4. some people feel that they abuse animals when eating their meat.

    Finally, some people can not eat meat because it is forbidden by their religion

  3. 1) Were born into a vegetarian family.

    2) Spouse is vegetarian.

    People become vegetarians because they might not be able to stomach meat, they might not like the taste or they simply go off it. My gran was having lamb on sunday once and her and her family just went off it so my family have been vege ever since (:  

  4. There are lots of reasons why people go vegetarian.

    The most popular are probably


    Some people go vegetarian because medical professionals say a meat free diet could help them. A vegetarian diet is said to lower the incidence of certain ailments and diseases such as coronary heart disease. (Plant foods generally have less saturated fat than animal foods).

    2. Environment

    A vegetarian diet has less environmental impact. More water is used in a meaty diet than a veggie diet. Also meaty diets contribute to loss of rainforest (clearing the rainforest for cattle ranching).


    Most vegetarians I know of oppose the way animals are raised for food because factory farms suppress the natural behaviours of the animals and they oppose the cruelty involved. Animal abuse and exploitation often makes people want to become a vegetarian.

  5. Top Ten Reasons to Go Vegetarian During World Vegetarian Week (May 19-25)... people's response by ratings...

    1. Helping Animals Also Helps the Global Poor

    2. Eating Meat Supports Cruelty to Animals

    3. Eating Meat Is Bad for the Environment

    4. Avoid Bird Flu

    5. If You Wouldn't Eat a Dog, You Shouldn't Eat a Chicken

    6. Heart Disease: Our Number One Killer

    7. Cancer: Our Number Two Killer

    8. Fitting Into That Itty-Bitty Bikini

    9. Global Peace

    10. The Joy of Veggies
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