
Good Running Routine To Lose Weight??

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I can't run very well now. After 5 minutes of a 5-6 MPH jog, im extremely tuckered.

I tried doing incriments of running for one minute at 5-6 MPH, then walking for one minute at 2.5 MPH.

I can only last for about 15 minutes doing that.

But i have to incorporate running somehow, because a brisk walk doesn't get my heart rate up anymore.

I walked 3-4 MPH for one hour a day for a while and now,i cant bennefit from it anymore.

So what could I do to start running ?

I would like to build up my running over the next year, to wear I can run for 35 straight minutes on 5MPH, compared to what i can do now - 5.

Do you think this is a realistic goal, and if you had tips on how i could get there.

Oh, and I'm running to lose weight not necessarily to bulk up.

Thanks :)

dani <3





    Try this program. It is the Couch to 5k program. It will get you from running nothing, to running 3 miles. You&#039;re running between a half mile to a mile and a half now. Maybe that&#039;s too much. This will get you up and running at a slower, perhaps, better for you, pace.

    And your goal is VERY realistic. This program will get you up and running between 2 and 3 months to where you want to be.

  2. It sounds like you are running on a treadmill (since you told us your MPH)

    I suggest jogging outside, I run marathons yet I cant run more than 10 minutes on a treadmill, you are forced to stick at a MPH pace constantly and it wears you out faster. Try jogging on your own and running at your desired pace, plus the change in scenery will help with the distance since you are not constantly staring at your MPH or distance. This may help you run further and possibly even faster, running is mostly mental, sure your knees and legs hurt after a long run, but its the mental aspects that you need to conquer first.

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