
Good Spanish Schools in Antigua, Guatemala?

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Can anyone recommend Spanish schools in Antigua?

Or any I should avoid?

I checked on and

Considering Probigua, Tecun Uman and Ixchel. Anybody who has been to these? Any specific tutors I should request?

I am going there in April.

Thanks, Chris




  1. I would have to agree with everything  the first person who answered has said.There is a great deal of competition from the language schools and they will sometimes do,say,or promise whatever they can to attract new students.

    Instead of teacher qualifications and experience most schools would rather highlight their salsa lessons, cooking classes or free internet access. Ideally,if your primary goal is to learn to speak Spanish, you should wait until you get there to pick a school.That way you can actually visit the schools,talk to the owners and instructors about their teaching methods and programs,what your goals are etc. instead of picking a school based on a rating from some random website on the internet.

    Antigua is a beautiful city and a place that should be seen by anyone traveling to Guatemala but it is also fairly small and full of many other English speaking students who, after leaving school in the afternoon, immediately stop speaking Spanish and go back to speaking English with their fellow students because it is easier...So much for your immersion learing.

    I personally prefer Quezaltenango for learning Spanish because it is a larger "working" city rather than a tourist destination and it is much easier to escape from the crowds of students to continue your immersion experience  by living,shopping and eating in an area of the city where the only language spoken and understood is Spanish.By avoiding other English speakers you will learn twice as much, twice as fast.

    Although I have no experience or affiliation with either,you may also want to add the Christian Spanish Academy and the Don Pedro de Alvarado school  to your list.Both of these Antigua schools have good reputations and are often recommended.

    Good Luck!


  2. I hope you realize that both of those websites are not without bias and exist solely to promote the businesses that pay to be featured. Personally I believe it's a poor way to research or pick a Spanish school unless you are more interested in which school has the lowest price or offers the most free activities and diversions as opposed to which school has the most qualified teachers and/or has the most proficient system and materials for teaching and learning Spanish.

    I'm sure you'll find that any of the three schools you mentioned will be satisfactory for your needs.Have a good trip and enjoy your time in Antigua and Guatemala.

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