
Good Study Habits.?

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Sometimes I don't finish all my homework, and I get bad grades. Any suggestions for good study habits? Please.




  1. Jaja.

    Get a first period or zero period that starts at 7 in the morning so that you get an open period. I always finish up my homework before taking the bus home =]

    Besides that, layout some sort of schedule.

    Study each subjects for maybe an hour.

    Do something like

    -you get home

    -study math/english

    -eat dinner

    -study history/science

    -free time-

    -maybe more study-

    and sleep :]

  2. i think you should do your homework, which you can't finish at school, at home. And you can spend more time studying your favourite subjects . Besides, you need a timetable , it 'll help you do everything better.

  3. If you can't finish the homework then try to finish it at school during the morning or just copy off of someone

  4. Try to Understand every lesson u a being thought by Teacher

    Ask questions,

    Answer when Asked some questions r logics keep answering dont say u dont know,

    Pass true ur text books make notes discuss by other student subjects u dont get well make time table for ur home work

    tink this helps

  5. I think that you should organizer one schedule. After of school, you should study two subject (english/math, history/chemestry, etc)

    You can study one or two hours each subject.

    good luck
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