
Good Tap Dance Stretches.?

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I'm a tap dancer in Silver Grade 2 Tap and I need help with stretches. In my tap we do alot of kicks and I need to get me leg up High. To give my adience a better performance more then the standered shuffle-hop-tapstep-brush-ball change. And i find that standered stretches help my feet not hurt as much because I practice for 2 hours a day. B/c dance ended for the summer. What are some more advance tap stretches to help flexqabilty ( Feet and legs) and help me feet not hurt so much?




  1. Hi Xomaday

    I took tap and jazz for a few years when I was younger.

    For the first half-hour of our session, we did bar work. We used the ballet bar to stretch out our leg muscles. In order to get those legs up high you have to constantly keep those muscles stretched.

    My advice is to find a studio that has a ballet bar and while you have your leg over the bar, stretch your arms,(one at a time) and stretch your back as far forward as you can with your hand outstretched toward your toe. Be gentle, it hurts.

    Then change sides and do the opposite leg...Remember, use it or lose it. To stay limber, it's a round the year job.

    Good luck

  2. Circle your feet, point and flex, practice toe lifts front, side, back and cross, lunges to stretch, toe touches, hamstring stretches.  When practicing the high kicks, make sure you hip doesn't turn up.  Practice doing the basic time steps and combinations you remember.  Make sure all of your taps hit the floor.  If your feet hurt from dancing, try to (1) soak them after practice and give them a massage, and (2) try an insert in the shoe if you have trouble with your arches.

  3. im also a tap dancer. u can do some lounges and mayb try to touch your toes without bending your knees. remember to stretches before and after u dance

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