
Good Things To Do In Summer?

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I don't have much to do in summer and what could i do that involves outside but not away from my house?? like i can't play 'games' outside b/c my friends live really far away. My parents want more physical activity from me, but there is nothing 2 do!!




  1. Maybe you could get a dog.

    Or how about planting a small flower or herb garden.

    Do you have a bike?

    You could get a horseshoe game, that requires a little walking back and forth and you can play alone. Maybe put up a basketball goal and shoot baskets...

    There is ALWAYS something to do....just use your imagination...

  2. Community Walk Track it does not need friends all you need is a mini radio to keep you company listen to your favor tunes while getting into a track is not available and you live a a neighborhood with roads walk up and down your road.

    Also, if you have a bike that is also great for exersize.  Jumping rope, Swimming if you don't have a local swimming pool why not a lake.

    you might try washing cars that would be good exersize...and you might earn a little cash..

  3. Skateboarding is fun, though it's not easy to start and is better with friends. Also try running once in a while, or even walking out in nature, if you live near a forest of something.

  4. If you have a pet, you could spend the summer training it to do cool tricks!  ;o)

  5. Depending on where you live you could go hiking.  I live in NY and there are a lot of gorges and trail to hike.

  6. Have you ever thought to plant a small garden? Vegetables would also please your family when they get to eat fresh foods later.

    The work is hard yet worth it.

  7. Maybe you could get a summer job

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