
Good Training Regime?

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im in my summer holidays now and i want to get alot stronger and hopelfully train everyday at least a little bit and im 14 years old and do not have equipment to help me so it will have to be practical and i want it to be a good 1 and hard i can do thank you




  1. try this.

    Its pretty good but takes a while.

  2. Simple calisthenics work great, and they are free - no equipment needed either!

    Try this:

    30 x pushups

    50 x crunches

    50 x jumping jacks

    25 x jumping squats

    20 x dips (if you don't have a place you can do full body dips use a chair and do 20 dips)

    20 x pull-ups (if you have a place to do them)

    30 x lunges (15 each leg)

    100 x jump rope skips

    25 x 2 foot box jumps (jump up onto a 2 ft tall box with both feet)

    This is a well-rounded routine that hits chest, abs, quads, glutes, back and biceps (if you do the pull-ups), calves, triceps, and some cardio.  You can modify this with just a few weights and make it much more challenging - I would add in shoulder, bicep, and back exercises.

    Try not to rest between sets and keep a steady pace.  If there are one or two exercises that you don't feel are difficult enough, add 5 or 10 repetitions.

    Once you can do the whole routine without stopping increase each set by 10 (jumprope by 100).

    I also recommend warming up a little before you jump right in - I jog and do some shadowboxing before I do my version of this routine.
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