
Good Way To Make Extra $

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Hey, Im a 27 year old Married Father of 2. While I work my butt off while the wife stays home, I need to find some extra income. I make close to 50k a year at my job, which is nice for 1 person, but for a is barely scraping....... I just bought a house a new car and had about 2 grand in medical bills from my daughter that was just born (23k was the bill for the birth...thankful for insurance) Any tips on a way to make $$ on the side? I dont care what it is.




  1. You Can Try Selling Things On-line  and  sell them for a high price just in case the person who wants to buy it tries to talk down the price.

  2. Selling on ebay is a great way to earn extra money. Find something that sells. These days 2 people need to work, even if opposite shifts!

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