
Good Wireless Internet Providers in Jamaica?

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I have Cable & Wireless ADSL, and honestly, I am sick of it!

Apart from being MUCH SLOWER than what I am paying for, their system always trips out, and when I call customer care they PRETEND they don't have network problems.

C&W DSL is frustrating and more expensive than what it is worth.

Right now I want to ditch my landline and get a HomeFone, because I don't see why I am paying $2600 EXTRA on my bill for line rental fee every month.

So I'm gonna need a new internet provider.

CAN ANYONE SUGGEST SOME GOOD INTERNET PROVIDERS? I need wireless internet, nothing that requires a phone line.

If you have any recommendations, please send them on!

Internet Provider's names, websites, any info you have, prices if you can.

Thanks to everyone who responds!!




  1. Get Flow and a wireless router...I have it and my WHOLE neighbourhood is reaping the benifits. I wish i knew how to make that stop or at least get them to contribute. Oh and I work at C&W we actually don't offer the Homefone anymore and line rental is about $900 if u have a private's still high but it's not $2600 unless ur bill details your line rental and ADSL charges in one.

  2. FLOW is very expensive. I recommend MiPhone.  No, it's not wireless, you have to get a cell phone, but it's a one-time charge.  It's $1,200 a month pre- or post-paid.  I have it and it works very well.  It's speed is often the same or better than C&W - this depends on the strength of the signal you are receiving.  The best thing is that you can take it anywhere with you!

  3. You dont necessarily need 'wireless' internet.

    You don't need a phone line to get FLOW. (Telephone is optional with their packages). You  might also be able to get internet from your local cable tv provider.

    A true 'wireless' provider is J2 Limited. I see a few mini microwave receivers on my apartment complex so i figure several people here have accounts with them.

    The RISK with wireless providers is that their system is prone to lightning strikes. Thier transmitters get hit by lighting several times per month. You reciever could also cause your house to be hit by lighting but that happens less frequently.

    i had a wireless internet from n5systems but i think they went out of business years ago (thier system got hit too often to make sense).

    If you still want to go wireless, i can sell you a used receiver and modem at HALF the price j2 will qoute you.  

    Tell me which part of jamaica you are based and i can help you out more.


    If you set your yahoo thing to 'allow email' i can tell you how to activate the security settings on your wireless hub. Email me and i will respond.

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