
Good age gap for baby number 2?!?

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I have a little girl who is just 1 a few days ago. My husband want to try for another baby on her second birthday. I m thinking 4 or 5 months before her second birthday. What do you think is a good gap? Im just wantint to make sure they have common interests too. If we got pregnant after her second birthday is that too big a gap?




  1. I think you guys should decide on a time frame so that they are atleast so many months or years apart.  He wants two years and you want about 6 months before.  Maybe you can agree on 21 months to start trying again?  With our family we didn't really care if we got pregnant right away again and just left it to God and mother nature.  When our daughter was 14 months old we got pregnant again.  She will be 22 1/2 months old when we have our son on Sept 15.

  2. Not at all i am 17 and my sister is 20, me share loads in common, we are really close which is good but we also do our own things which is even better, less arguments etc! lol


    Plus if she where to be two when you had another baby, then she will be 17 when the younger child is 15, a good age for brothers and sisters!

    Also a good thing to plan is ages! My mum always says as a joke she never planned everything properly because she has my 18th in Sep and my sisters 21st on 4 months later! Expensive! hehe


    Good luck with whatever you decide to do!

  3. i think trying before ur daughters second birthday seems like a good idea. i think thats the perfect time, thats exactly wot me and my hubby r thinkin.

  4. i dont think that is too big an age gap.. mine are 17 months apart.. my eldest is 5 and twins 3.5.. we are going to have another and i am sure they will all be best of friends.. i think its a big age gap when you wait 9 or 10 years,,,,

  5. i had my daughter she will be three in Aug and my son just turn three months i think that is a perfect age gap

  6. No thats a good one, i have a 7 year age gap from my younger half brother and that is horrible! We fight alot cos he just doesn't understand things like i like my bedroom door shut for a reason ect... Me and my sisters are close, i have 3 and the oldest is 5 years old than me and that great : ]


  7. I got pregnant when my son was 2 yrs and 3 months.

    That actually made him 3 on my due date! Lo and behold she came on his birthday.

    I've only got the 2 but 3 yrs seemed like the perfect age to me. He is very helpfull and wanted/wants to get involved in everything to do with her. Also he is very independent which helped as he can go play if i need to feed/change the baby and understands that the baby sometimes has to come first. :-)

  8. No not at all. That age gap is fine, it's not too big!

  9. I have a 2 yrs, 3 mo's gap between mine. I found the first few months very hard work. If i was to do it again then I would have waited and had a 3yr gap. But different things work for different people

  10. 20 years, if you are chinese

  11. I definitely don't think the age gap is too much. My first two are really close in age but there will be 3.5 years between my #2 and #3...I think that no matter what you do you'll be happy with it and never be able to imagine it any other way. They'll definitely be close enough in age to have similar interests...although sometimes that doesn't matter depending on personality and personal interests. Either way I'm sure they'll get along (like all siblings...they have good days and bad days) and play together.

    Best of luck!

  12. I know it sounds arrogant first 2 sons were born 52 weeks between each other, and just less than 2 years between my 2nd and me "just right".

  13. Physically, it's recommended to wait 2 years before getting pregnant again, just to let you body get back into the normal, non-pregnant routine, but there are plenty of women who don't follow this and have perfectly healthy babies, myself included. My children will be 21 months apart, and I feel that is a great age gap. 2 years for your kids is a good one too. I think the closer together they are, the less risk for sibling rivalry and possession, and the less likely it is the older child will be jealous, as they'll never remember being the only child.

    Go for it. Have another child when you and your husband are ready for it. You two (and nature) are the only ones who can make the decision as to when you feel ready.

  14. My sister and I have 1 yr and 9 months difference and we get alone wonderful! I think 2 years is still very good, it all depends on he way you raise them and tell them to behave with each other =P

  15. Its whatever age gap you want most!

    And whatever you think you can cope with!

    Between me and my siblings, there is a 2 year gap between me and my older brother, and a 4 year gap between me and my younger sister.

    No gap is too big!

    My best friend is 25 and has 2 brothers who are about 6 and 8!!



  16. Even if you start trying before she's 2 doesn't really mean you will get pregnant then sometimes it's harder the second time or third time around. You'll get pregnant when you get pregnant but i don't see the harm in starting a few months early. My oldest is 5 and my youngest is 2 months. I love the age gap because my first doesnt require every minute of attention. She can entertain herself, throw diapers away, help feed the baby and entertain the baby it's really great but i want to start trying for a third also before she's 2 because i feel my oldest was a little lonely growing up and i don't want my middle child to feel that way. Do what feels best to you. Goodluck

  17. I say 4 or 5 months before her birthday! Me and my sister are about 21 months apart and we are best friends and have been close our whole lives!!!

  18. There really is no "perfect" age gap. There are pros and cons to any age gap really. My two girls are 11 years apart and while some may think that is NOT a good age gap I actually like it a lot.

  19. Does it matter?  all brothers/sisters argue at some time!! I am 10 years older than my brother and we used to hate each other but we're ok now.  I have a friend who has an older sister by only 2 years and again they argued when they were young but are fine now they are adults.  I have 2 cousins who are sisters and they are 4 years apart and when we were young one minute they were kicking the life out of one another the next they were best friends, I really don't think it matters how long you wait, just do it when you're good and ready.

  20. my boys are 23 months apart, and that has been really good.  I was working on a 3yr gap but started trying early as #1 had taken us over a year to make... 2nd time around happened 1st time :)  Whatever gap you have will be fine, cos u deal with it day by day

  21. My first and second are 4 years apart. My second and third will be 2 years old. My first and third will be 6 years apart. I think that two years is great. We waited to have our second child so long because we loved having our first daughter and didn't want to have another child very soon. We decided to try again sooner for the third because we didn't want our oldest and youngest to have a very large age gap. 6 years is perfect for our family. Once our third is born next month, we will be done having children.

  22. Actually, I think that a larger gap is good for the children. Maybe even 3 years, that way they both get to be your baby. My sister and I were 11 years apart and the only 2 children and it was great.

  23. I  am so sorry about that i can not answer this question for thereason reason i do not have exprience. But you can go to" a g e l e s s fr i e n d", there the people are all forms  . they are rich of experience of love ,family ..age gap. ageless.....

    So ,i think you can go to there for help.

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