
Good and bad about britain?

by Guest10667  |  earlier

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Please tell me 10 good things and 10 bad things about britain

I need it for my school project.




  1. Hi there !

    Good luck with the project . This old grandpa suggests the following :


    1. Heritage

    2. Scenery

    3. Scotland ( very biased )

    4. Ireland including the beautiful south

    5 Wales .Cannot play rugby ( joke ) and can sing well .

    6 England . Despite having a Yorkshire grandpa , luv Norfolk and Kent .  

    7. The view from my study looking over the mountains of Strathearn.

    8. Innerpeffray Library ( unbelievable )

    9. Edinburgh

    10. Firth of Clyde - anotrher world !


    1. Drugs


    3. Violence

    4. Noise

    5. TV

    6. Racism

    7. The Rangers / Celtic sickness

    8.The ineptitude of so many politicians

    9. Political bias of the media

    10. People who let their dogs c**p on the pavements / sidewalks


  2. the diverse weather, we get all seasons. In other country's its hot all year round. Our history. we our the closest country to come to world dommination. We have had the bigest empire ever in history. We owned 3/4 of the earth. Our passion for freedom and our belief that everybody os entiled to it. How we stood alone for most of the second world war. How we fought to our knees to preventing the n***s getting world dommination. I am a native, my family's surname predates the battle of hastings and even the english languadge. How we our a small nation and we stick up for country who are backed agaist the wall.My freedom to stand up and say no.

    The most powerful women to ever walk the face of the earth, and she was british. She made the most moving speech ever recorded in history. Britain was about to be invaded by the spanish, or so they thought.

    My loving people, we have been persuaded by some, that are careful of our safety, to take heed how we commit ourselves to armed multitudes, for fear of treachery; but I assure you, I do not desire to live to distrust my faithful and loving people. Let tyrants fear; I have always so behaved myself that, under God, I have placed my chiefest strength and safeguard in the loyal hearts and good will of my subjects. And therefore I am come amongst you at this time, not as for my recreation or sport, but being resolved, in the midst and heat of the battle, to live or die amongst you all; to lay down, for my God, and for my kingdom, and for my people, my honor and my blood, even the dust. I know I have but the body of a weak and feeble woman; but I have the heart of a king, and of a king of England, too; and think foul scorn that Parma or Spain, or any prince of Europe, should dare to invade the borders of my realms: to which, rather than any dishonor should grow by me, I myself will take up arms; I myself will be your general, judge, and rewarder of every one of your virtues in the field. I know already, by your forwardness, that you have deserved rewards and crowns; and we do assure you, on the word of a prince, they shall be duly paid you. In the mean my lieutenant general shall be in my stead, than whom never prince commanded a more noble and worthy subject; not doubting by your obedience to my general, by your concord in the camp, and by your valor in the field, we shall shortly have a famous victory over the enemies of my God, of my kingdom, and of my people.

    Elizabeth I of England - 1588

    The BBC (Despite its faults it still informs, educates and entertains!)

    The NHS (God bless it- and all who work within it!)

    The Beatles (They took an american artform, made it better and sold it back to the yanks!)

    Our general politeness

    Our obsession with the weather

    Dr Who (The world's most famous time-traveller)

    Apple Crumble

    fish and chips

    Being stoic and getting on with things

    James Bond (One truly British hero that the Yanks can't co-opt as their own!)

    Our irreverent- and often misunderstood-sense of humour

    How we addmit to the slave trade and stopped what we where doing

    But I love our Great Nation most because it's Home.

    the bad things:

    1.muslims treating us like a door matt.

    2. Our fat polititions letting to many immagrants in

    3.the slave trade

    4.our football team

    5.i cant think off any more, instead muslims

  3. I will add in a few things I can think of.


    1. Historical Sites to visit.

    2. Older historical structures remain.

    3. Many geographical land types.

    4. A combination of both Rural and Urban towns that date back many centuries.

    5. A good public transportation system.

    6. A relatively strong economy.

    7. Religious freedom.

    8. A tolerant governent to free speech and freedom of press.

    9. A well standard educational system.

    10. Social Programs to benefit poor and disabled and a high longevity rate nationally.


    1. High Taxes to fund generous social programs.

    2. Very limited land to contribute natural resources and population growth.

    3. Weather can be less predictable.

    4. A confusing public roadway system built around preexisting cities established long before modern transportation developed.

    The negatives are harder to come up with since I am not from UK and are based purely on opinion and repeated mentions from earlier answers.

  4. These are the only ones I came up with:


    1. great tourist attractions

    2. Great sites to see

    3. Great Jobs

    4. Good shops

    5. Everyone has equal rights.


    1. Bombings

    2. Over populated because of migration

    3. VERY dirty

    4. (My point of view) The police don't help so much

    That's All I came up with sorry. I hope I helped (A little :s) Try finding things on google. Maybe that could help you.

  5. I am actually from Britain so unlike the person that said 'bombing' & 'very dirty' i'll tell you the truth.

    -10 GOOD THINGS-

    1. Great tourism

    2. Friendly people

    3. Great shopping

    4. Safe country

    5. We have a variety of weather

    6. Different stores for different cultures & nationalities

    7. Easy to find your way around

    8. A country of different religions

    9. Fantasic medical care

    10. Lots of different facilities e.g gym,swimming,sports centers.

    -10 BAD THINGS-

    1. Weather is unprodictable

    2. Expensive

    3. Police don't really help

    4. Speed cameras everywhere

    5. Expensive to buy gas/petrol

    6. The media speak about bad, not good things of areas they don't like.

    7. Going through a 'food shortage' right now, personally i cant tell the difference.

    8. Nightlife gets out of hand quite a lot.

    9. Having differnet religions is not always a good thing

    10. Our country trys to be everything e.g the next new york.

  6. Good:

    1  Social Service programs

    2  NHS

    3 lots of green spaces left

    4 public transportation is pretty extensive

    5 people are generally friendly

    6 Amazing historical buildings and places still operating

    7 arts, music, theatre, museums

    8 Stonehenge, the Cotswolds, Lake District-such beauty

    9 baked goods

    10 visible police and cameras to promote security


    1  sometimes the weather

    2  high taxes

    3  traffic and parking is impossible in the city

    4  travel fees

    5  beans, brown sauce & creamy salad dressing

    6  dead end streets and streets that abruptly change name

    7  missing your bus stop and having to make your way back

    8. damp and mold

    9  big brother on all those security cameras

    10 heavy influx of immigrants who expect support and services

  7. Bad things...the cost of living,  weather (most of the time),  having religion rammed down your throat at school, Credit card debt at £1 trillion nationwide.  Crazy train fares.

    Good things...Glastonbury Festival,  2012 Olympics in London,  British music.

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