
Good anti humidity product for hair?

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I straighten my hair at night, but by morning, its starting to curl and frizz up on my right side because that's the side I sleep on. Can anyone recommend a good anti-humidity product for my hair?




  1. maybe if you put product on your hair before & after you straighten it'll help. maybe try the frizz ease collection?? its sold pretty much everywhere. i've never used it myself, but i haven't heard anything bad about it. also, if you got to sleep with wet hair, it frizzes more. so if you do, wait until your hair becomes dry to go to sleep. also, this doesn't exactly answer your question but what i love to do is scrunch my hair. i got my hair permanently straightened and had it straight for about a year, but then i started getting tired of it, so i started scrunching. best product EVER: got 2b kinky, curl defining mousse. i LOVE it. put it on your hair while it's wet and then if you want use another gel (gel, not mousse) on top of the mousse and scrunch that in also.

    hopefully, i was helpful and gave you another idea.

    good luck!!

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