
Good beginner fish? please

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what is a good beginner fish other than a beta or goldfish?

i would have a filter and everything!

i can have multiple small schooling fish too

and no guppys!

my mom has like 70 :S




  1. a beta you only i have to feed it 3 flakes every other day

  2. Neon tetras or zebra danios.

  3. mollys

  4. zebra danios

  5. albino rainbow sharks are what i started out with. they are great fish for a tropical tank and are very easy to take care of... its good to have a couple of them.

    But if one gets bigger than the other it might become a bully so be careful. They do well with lots of other fish too.

    Great beginner fish, beautifully coloured.

  6. You are smart to stay away from guppies...include this with platy and swordtails....they can breed so fast and before you know it you have several fry.

    Depending on your tank size...of what you can get.  Stay away from Mollies.  Sure they are great fish and somewhat easy to medium difficult to keep...brackish water with a little salt in the aquarium.

    Also Angels are somewhat easy but your tank needs to be tall...these fish can get big height wise.

    Look at your different types of tetras.  Also look at the different types of Danios.

    I like neon tetras...nothing beats a school of 10-15 of these little critters colorwise.

    Throw in about 5 zebra danios...and add in about 3-5 of the very social Cory Cats.

    And depending on the tank size...add in 1 Dwarf Gourami (Neon Blue or Flame).  This adds lots of color in the tank.

    These fish are pretty simply and take care of and a good beginner tank.

    Have lots of plant cover (plastic and silk) and a log  so something for the cories to hide in.

    The Zebra Danios are extremely hardy and good for beginners...but if you want more color...there are the Glofish, which are Zebra Danios with Color injected to the eggs.

    If you want a little variety and something a little different from the zebras...look at the leopard danios.


    5 Zebra Danios (you could do Leopard or even the more colorful Glofish)

    3-5 Albino Cory Cats (many varieties...stick to one...but look at the Green, Panda, and Albino cories)

    6 to 10 Neon Tetra or more depending on your tank size.

    1 Dwarf Gourami...the Neon Blue or Flame...either way they are very colorful and only grow to 2 - 2 1/2 inches.

    Best of Luck and Congrats on your new tank!


    they are super easy to take care of. i got mine when i was ten years old, and still have it now! they aren't aggressive in ANY way. pretty much the best starter fish. & you can just go to walmart and  get them. (:

  8. Tetras are definitely sweet. They look awesome and are really really easy to take care of. Neon fish ftw :D

  9. I really like angel fish, they are my favorite or a pair of pearl gouramis.

  10. there are angel fish... they can have cool colors... but other times they can be black. i like the guppys called rainbow guppys. they have red white and blue stripes across them.

  11. I would say tetras. Tetras are very easy to take care of and are hardy fish. There are soo many kinds of tetras but a few colorful ones

    I own include Black Neons,Lamp Eyes,and Red Minors (Personally my favorite).

    Good Luck :]  

  12. i think their called black mollys

    go to a fish selling pet store and ask

    petco always has a wide variety and their nice their

  13. cory catfish



  14. Mollies,for all that you hear about them are not good beginners fish. The advice about Tetras does not take into account the "beginner" thing either. Danios are definitely the way to go,and there are several types besides Zebras,like "Spotted or Leopard Danios" or "Giant Danios". They are all schooling fish and fairly sociable.

  15. Finding Nemo

  16. Not all mollies are black and swordtails come in a variety of colours. Look at lyretails for interest, too.

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