
Good beginners bike for a tall girl?

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I'm 5' 10". And I can't find a bike that seems to be tall enough. I want a cruiser, and I was looking at a Kawasaki Vulcan 500 LTD. But the seat height is only 26in. Is that tall enough. Also, this is my first bike. Thanks.




  1. I am 5'9" tall, and bought a 95 sportster a year ago.  Love the bike, love riding.   If you buy something too small cc, you will be buying a new bike soon.  You will feel right on the right bike.

  2. The major problem (if it is a problem) will be when turning the handlebars, they could interfere with your knees.

    The best thing you could do is go to different bike shops and sit on the bikes to see what fits (preferably a shop that sells new bikes - they'll have more models to check out).

    You wouldn't buy a new pair of shoes without first trying them on, would you?

  3. well depends, do you have any experience at riding bikes, like running the clutch, since you tall, and probaly dont have much experience in riding, i would go with a 125 honda, i would get  a used one that is a bit older, and worn down piston and rings, soo there ant soo much power and you can get to learn how to learn the clitch, i been riding dirt bikes since i was 4, soo i would go with some thing easy to ride, not alot of power, but if your experience, i would just go with a 250

  4. Hi there I would suggest you go out to as many bike shops as you can and try out whatever you think is ok for you.

    As far as first bikes go you should probably consider looking at something with enough power to get you out of trouble. When I started out 37 plus years ago (old rider!!!) my first bike was a BSA 650 in those old days they were pretty good all rounders nowdays theres plenty to choose from and it will depend on what YOU WANT out of your bike. Sports bikes tend to have excellent handling and not much room for carrying a load But they are a great bike for corners and usually good with braking!

    By comparison tourers are just that you can pack'em up and head off with just about every thing (sometimes including the kitchen sink!) then the naked's are a good compromise as well........  Too much choice! try a few the styles you like and you will be able to narrow down your own preference also when your out and about if you see other bikes you like ask their riders what they think of their ride. They can give you some very valued advice and opinions about the little things you dont find out until after you've parted with your hard earned!

    It's great to here another rider is up and coming especially a female good stuff and happy riding!

    Some free advice from grand pa

    Treat all other road users as idiots try to keep yourself away from them, always try to leave yourself an escape route.

    At every opportunity try to educate the cage drivers because they dont know or care that it could be their mother daughter sister father brother son riding the bike they just cutt off!

    Dont take risks take opportunities.

    Ride to Live and Live to Ride

    Have lots of fun out there in nature and try to keep it shiny side up

  5. all crusers have low seat hights,im over 6ft but i like desert dikes, xtz660/xt600 ..and then somtimes i also raise them.

  6. Im 2 inches taller than you and this machine fits well.

    Lighter than most, and the seat sits low

  7. As long as you can flat foot (not a problem for you) and your legs are in a comfortable position it should be fine.  You don't have to have a tall bike, just one that lets your legs be comfortable, not too cramped.

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