
Good books on US/Israel relations? real books not some happy lucky BS story?

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Im looking for texts that deal with the US's inception with Israel

something hard hitting and real

any suggs?




  1. This is not quite what you are looking for, but I suggest "Foxbats Over Dimona". It exmaines the real reason behind the Six-Day War, in which the Soviets instigated in an attempt to keep the Israelis from developing nuclear weapons in Dimona.  

    I currentlly reading this book and it is amazing. I am half-way through it and I am convinced now, that Israel has produced their own nuclear weapons. We didn't give them to the Israel's which has been widely believed for sometime now. That dynamic alone, adds a huge dimension to the current situation with Iran.

    "Isabella Ginor and Gideon Remez’s groundbreaking history of the Six-Day War in 1967 radically changes our understanding of that conflict, casting it as a crucial arena of Cold War intrigue that has shaped the Middle East to this day. The authors, award-winning Israeli journalists and historians, have investigated newly available documents and testimonies from the former Soviet Union, cross-checked them against Israeli and Western sources, and arrived at fresh and startling conclusions."

  2. I would suggest for a start researching how the Israelis and LBJ conspired to fire upon an unarmed US spy ship sailing in Egyptian waters to provoke a war between the US and Egypt.

    USS Liberty: Israel shows its' true face.

    Then research Nixon's involvement running guns to Israelis for the Yom Kippur War- in defiance of Sec of Defence complaining that US troops in Vietnam were short on equipment.

    Also you can research Israeli espionage and military industrial intellectual property theft (not to mention how it illegally and immorally sold French Exocet missiles to the Argentinians to be used against steadfast US ally, incidentally ISraeli ally UK in the Falklands- killing many UK sailors).

    Read about the Jonathan Pollard incident and how Mossad refuses to hand over over300 cu feet of stolen data for the US to do a damage assessment.

    The Levi fighter scandal? (stolen f-16 plans) later sold to China?

    Lawrence Franklin affair?

    Operation Plumbat (1968) was an operation by Lekem- Mossad that was undertaken in support of the Israeli nuclear weapons effort. The German freighter "Scheersberg A", disappeared on its way from Antwerp to Genoa along with its cargo of some 200 tons of uranium oxide (Yellowcake).

    West Germany was a critical close ally of the US

    in 2004, Uriel Zosha Kelman and Eli Cara were convicted of espionage in firm US ally (since 1913) New Zealand.

    April 2008, federal prosecutors accused 84-year-old retired US Army engineer and New Jersey resident Ben-Ami Kadish of espionage?

    Steiner resignation

    In 1992, AIPAC president David Steiner was forced to resign after he was tape recorded boasting about his political influence in obtaining aid for Israel. Steiner claimed that he had

        met with (then Bush U.S. Secretary of State) Jim Baker and I cut a deal with him. I got, besides the $3 billion, you know they're looking for the Jewish votes, and I'll tell him whatever he wants to hear ... Besides the $10 billion in loan guarantees which was a fabulous thing, $3 billion in foreign, in military aid, and I got almost a billion dollars in other goodies that people don't even know about.[14]"?

    April 2005, AIPAC policy director Steven Rosen and AIPAC senior Iran analyst Keith Weissman were fired by AIPAC amid an FBI investigation into whether they passed on classified U.S. information?

    Rosen and Weissman are still awaiting trial. Trial had been scheduled for June 4, 2007, but has been indefinitely postponed.[22] Several high ranking Bush administration figures who have been subpoenaed about the matter include Condoleezza Rice, Richard Armitage, and William Burns amongst others

    September 2007, Congressman Jim Moran of Virginia (who has been criticized by Jewish organization on several occasions) stated that the Jewish community as a whole[4] and AIPAC, in particular, drove the United States toward the war in Iraq.[33] Moran noted that AIPAC is "the most powerful lobby and has pushed this war from the beginning. I don't think they represent the mainstream of American Jewish thinking at all, but because they are so well organized, and their members are extraordinarily powerful -- most of them are quite wealthy -- they have been able to exert power."[34] Moran later issued an apology for his comments.[5]

    By 1986, the pro-Israel lobby could stop Reagan from making another jet fighter deal with Saudi Arabia, and Secretary of State George Shultz had to sit down with AIPAC's executive director -- not Congressional leaders -- to find out what level of arms sales to the Saudis AIPAC would tolerate?

    former congressperson Cynthia McKinney maintain that AIPAC was instrumental in helping to defeat Congressional candidates that AIPAC deemed unfriendly to Israel, including McKinney (after her first term as a Representative) and Earl F. Hilliard of Alabama?

    Ben-Menashe also claimed in 1991 that he had personally witnessed George H. W. Bush attend a meeting with members of the Iranian government in Paris in October 1980, as part of a covert Republican Party operation — the so-called October Surprise — to have the 52 U.S hostages then held in Iran remain there until President Jimmy Carter, who was negotiating their release, had lost the 1980 presidential election to Ronald Reagan. Secret Service records indicate that Bush was in Washington at the time of the alleged meeting.

    Singapore is known to have a large contingent of Isreali Mossad spies working undercover spying on Malaysia and Indonesia and Philippines.

    All three are warm friendly neutrals to the US.

    Badan Intel Negara (Indonesian CIA) watches these and there are frequent  rumours several Mossad spies traveling on US passports especially in Philippines and Indonesia have been beheaded, had their heads traditionally shrunk and sent back to Israel as a warning.

    The very best book:

    By a conscientious Israeli:

    Ari Ben-Menashe: "Profits of War: Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms Network"

    he was a former Israeli Intel officer.

  3. President Carter recent book on the subject is super. It will save you months looking for books that mysteriously disappear from the library and give you years of research in minutes. It is super valuable. Palestine Peace Not Apartheid 2006 Simon@Schuster

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