
Good books on analyzing stock markets?

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I am currently reading Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham.

Still, I wonder if there are other good books on analyzing stock markets? Because I will be having a stock market competition soon.




  1.   Read anything and everything about Warren Buffett. The market is not efficient; otherwise inidividuals like Buffett won't be able to consistantly beat the average market returns.

  2. The market is terribly inefficient in the short run and converse in the long run.  People trade on emotion as well as information and humans are unbelievably inefficient at making financial decisions under duress.  Books I have enjoyed:  The Intelligent Investor, Graham.  The Little Book of Value Investing, Browne. The Interpretation of Financial Statements, Graham and Meredith. Valuing A Stock, Gray, Cusatis, Woolridge.  The Little Book That Builds Wealth, Dorsey.  Margin of Safety, Klarman.

  3. Analyzing the stock market is a waste of time for most people. The markets are near perfect in their prediction of risk and you will never figure out anything.

    There is a world filled with billionaires who have massive inside information, the best analysts money can buy and massive resources to invest. If there is anything to figure out they have already figured it out and that is reflected in the market price.

    Here is my advise to win your competition. Pick a very high risk investment that others will not pick. If it hits --- you win. They will call you a genius. An intelligent real world prediction will never win because it is too safe and many others will do the same thing. Go for broke since your not using real money.

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