
Good car games for adults?

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My mom and I are taking a 7 hour road trip to see family in a week. Any suggestions on car games we can play or SOMETHING to do to make time go quicker? (I'm 21 if that helps). Thanks!




  1. Cracker Barrel rents audio books that can be returned at any other Cracker Barrel in the US. Just rent one and drop it off down the road when you're finished. I survived a 3 day drive with them.

    Here is a link to their newest releases:

    They might lead to good conversation too!

  2. the alphabet game say im going to the store and im going to buy an apple.... just go through the alphabet and u have to repeat what the other person said  mesage me if u have questions

  3. 20 questions

    books on tape

  4. finding different state plates on the road

  5. My family likes to play Alphabet. Basically you start at A and the person you gets to Z first wins. The idea of the game is to find words that begin with each letter of the alphabet. You can use billboards, road signs, transfer trucks, etc. You kinda have to bend the rules on some letters...such as x, y, and z.. But this game last longer than you would think...and its fun. Hope this helps!!!!

  6. drive-by shootings are a fun and wholesome way to pass the time

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