
Good career to pursue?

by  |  earlier

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well im 15 years old and i always get asked

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"

and i really dont know yet.

any suggestions on what major/carreer i should pursue and thats well paying?




  1. I understand your problem.

    Everytime adults ask teens what they want to be when they grow up.

    In realty, not many teens know what they want to do yet.

    That's why most of them put it all behind them, and think it's all going to be fine, and go with the flow.

    It's great to see a 15 year old already pursuing their career.

    If you enjoy dancing/breaking then you should try it. If you put your all out on it, then it will get you far.

    Look at american best dance crew, they went all out, and look how far they got...dancing in front of millions of screaming fans.

    You love computers, and your favorite subject is science.

    Well computers and science makes a great match for computer software engineer. People who write all the list of codes for electronics to function correctly.

    Either way you go, I hope you the best of luck and I know you will succeed.

  2. Figure out your interests and abilities first, and then you can narrow down the career search.
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