
Good cat name help????

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if i get a cat it would be a girl any names????????




  1. Tabitha (kinda for a 'pompous puss')

    then you could change it to Tabby (if she turns out to be a sweet thing), or Tabs (if she turns out to be a rascal !!)


  2. i like it when cats are either named after a food like licorice, pumpkin, marmalade, skittles, cookie, etc or a gem stone like sapphire, emerald, ruby or topaz (my gorgeous kitten is called Topaz!)  

  3. I think it depend if you want to name your cat because of its appearance or you just like certain names.  You might have a better idea of what you want to name your cat after you see it.

    My cats names are

    Greta, Gracie, Gabby and Ace ( I wanted to name Ace Gertie but my kids said no :)  )

  4. if its a dark haired cat, arwyn

  5. sheba








  6. pikachu




  7. Lulu,coco,or baci

  8. Sadie, Socks, Skittles, Sassy

  9. McTavish from T.S. Elliot's "Cats"  call it "Tavy" for short.

    Chakra (meaning energy center)

    Dutchess or Marie from "Aristocats" I love O'Malley for a boy.

  10. Nutmeg, Ginger, Olivia, Tinkerbell, Duster. I personally like Olivia best, i have a cat named olivia.and i love her!!!

    do i get 10 points now?

  11. I often think of something that has interest for me, such as a favorite character in a book, such as Ms. Marple, Aggie, from Agatha Christie books....Cinderella, Cruella de ville, Ariel, etc.

    Try several names the first few days  you have the kitten, some times they give you the answer.  I adopted a kitten the shelter named Mimi, yet when I called out Mimi she did not answer, yet when I said "here Aggie, Aggie" she came running over.  So we now have Aggie.

  12. Brooke, =)

  13. Scarlet, Daisy, Kirby, Darby, Josie, Macy, or Regan. Hope this helps some!

  14. well tasmin, yasmin or jasmin is always good but if you want a crazy  name there is schnokems :-)  

  15. sasha



  16. name your cat what you want to
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