
Good children's books?

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I need some good suggestions for my nephew, he's in KG and just learning how to read. I want to send him some good books to get him excited about learning to read!

Thanks for the suggestions!




  1. I love Eric Carle books -they are the best and interesting to boot - beautiful pictures he will enjoy and will engage him while he's learning to read.

  2. My 4 1/2 year old son LOVES the book "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus".  He can read it and it is really cute.  I would highly recommend it!

  3. The Gruffalo - Fantastic Book.  The Gruffalo's child too!

  4. "Happy Birthday, Moon" was a favorite story for me to read to my nephew, who dragged it out for his bedtime story constantly.  He would actually lie on the porch with his blanket and pillow afterwards, and converse about the moon and the stars, and say "nite nite moon".  You have to read the story, it's really thought provoking on their level, encourages all kind of thoughts and interest for learning and curiosity as well as language development.  :-) I hope this helps.

    Bear travels to the highest mountaintop to find out what to give the Moon for its birthday and discovers a delightful surprise -- the Moon has the same birthday as Bear. Or so it seems....When a bear discovers that the moon shares his birthday, he buys the moon a beautiful hat as a present.

  5. We Both Read Series is an EXCELLENT shared reading series.  I have found them great for beginner readers because they still want books read to them.  They get more complex as you advance to different levels.  Levels K, K-1, 1, 1-2, 2, 2-3... fiction and nonfiction available.  I found that the Kindergarten level was very very easy for my preschooler who is just learning how to read.  I made them more challenging by placing a paper over the picture and having him read the word/phrase before looking at the pic.  I love the series and am in the process of purchasing them for our family/child care. I think is the website...I would suggest you purchase them through  They have most of them.  $3.99/book.  Your local library should be able to get you some so you can check them out.

  6. Anthing by Dr. Seuss is terrific.

    Theres this book called Tuesday. It's a picture book, but it always made me laugh when I was younger. It's about these frogs who invade the town every Tuesday night on their lilypads.

    Eric Carl's Red Fox is really good. It has a story (with words) and a fun game in it too.

  7. hop on pop, go dog go.

    they're both total drivel, but they REALLY do a good job of repeating words and concepts and the kids enjoy them; even if YOU are ready to kill yourself by the end of each. :)

    i read them with my son until he started memorizing them and "reading" them to me.   after a while, it turned into real applied reading

  8. If he is just learning he needs books on his reading level. Most of the books people are mentioning are books for adults to read to kids. Most bookstores, and Amazon, have Easy Reader sections. Start with something from there.

  9. Dr. Seuss' and Eric Carle's books

  10. Books by: Ruth Heller, Don and Audrey Wood, Eric Carle are great to start kids off with.

  11. Any and ALL Dr. Suess. My children bring the books to me, one after the other, we read them over and over, and they get super excited to recieve them as gifts too!! Other favorites are all the Olivia books.-When I say "we" my daughter, 5 who just finished Kindergarten reads the Suess books (most of em) easily, but when she has a problem, as Suess is known for making up his own words, I help her out. The fact that he does make up his own words she finds fascinating, and it really seems to open up her imagination!

  12. The Napping House

    Any Dr. Seuss book
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