
Good comebacks?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i actually have some good comebacks, but i use them to often and they arent funny anymore so i need new ones! in the past i have used:

ill kill you

ill blow ur house up

ill eat ur kids

ill abuse u in hot oil

ill habg u with my belt

ill rip ur nipples off and glue them to ur fore head.

Any new ones




  1. If you have some good comebacks, why didn't you list them?  The ones you listed are totally lame.

  2. I 'll love you for all eternity... >_>

  3. I'll molest the big hairy mole on your buttcheek.. ha ah ha.. just for laughs.

  4. Hey man Listen can u send me your Runescape pass word and account (u awnsered my question) umm and ill then vote u as the best answer and ull get 10 points(my email is

  5. I wouldn't p#$s  on you if you were on fire

  6. ur mama

  7. I'll beat your eardrum!

  8. if i had a face like that id shave my a*s and walk backwards!

    i'll break every bone in your body and play u like the bag pipes

    i'll dance on ur grave

    i wouldn't spit on u if u were on fire

    i'll rip ur head off and sh*t down ur throat

    i'd kick ur *** if i wasn't soo d**n sure you'd try to steal my shoe

    i'll shove this(inset object in question) so far up ur a*s u'll have to brush ur teeth with it

    i'd kick u in the *** but ur soo short i'd only hit ur head

    i'll beat u soo bad u'll have to learn to sit down standing up!

    at least i wasn't born sooo ugly my mother had to tie a bone around my neck to get the dog to play with me

    one more word and i guarentee u'll have an threat just fact

    punch u! hmm theres too many witnesses..u never know u might trip in front of a car later as i walk behind u!

    i'm not the one who looks like he could eat an apple through a letter box!

    u soo ugly a paedo would pass u over

    i see the gap in your teeth and i don't know whether to call a dentist or kick a goal

    do me a favour and droip dead d*ck head

    your so big when u went to new york weraing ur yellow shirt a lady yelled.."hety taxi"

    i'll rip ur arms off and beat u to death with them

    i'll bite your ear off and spit in the hole
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