
Good comebacks ...?

by  |  earlier

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I used to cut myself, and my best friend at the time new. Well when we stopped talking, she told everyone in my grade. Now people constantly give me c**p, and I need some good things to say back. Don't say ignore them, I can't. It hurts.




  1. maybe start crying in front of them? everyone feels bad when someone cries. and it'll make you feel better i suppose

  2. Just say, "I quit that, I'm doing great now."  I mean, what are they going to say back to that?  If they sense that you aren't riled by their comments (even if you are) and that you're now more comfortable with yourself, they'll eventually move on to another target.  Kids really suck sometimes...hang in there and you will have a happier adulthood, I promise!

  3. Say "I don't have any scars, but YOU will always be __(insert insult)__"

    By the way, I heard Angelina Jolie used to cut herself. True?

    I hope you find a better friend.

  4. this is risky but it usually works. when they say something just get mad and be like....."YA UR RIGHT FU** ME RIGHT FU** ME UR AWESOME UR SO FRICKEN SWETT!!!!YA UR RIGHT FU** ME!"

    it usually works b/c it'll make them feal bad

  5. Ouch.  I don't know how I'd handle it.  Do you have scars?  If so, you can answer, 'yes, I did use to cut myself...would you like to see where?'.  I know, it hurts, but I don't know, whenever people make fun of me or scathing remarks about me or something I tend to bottle it up and then have huge crying sessions with my friends & my journal (seperately.)  I find that writing it down really helps.  At any rate, don't swear like the other person told you to.  That's just stupid.  I'd be really sweet and accept and say, 'And aren't you so glad I got over it?  I am.' You might want to give some really personal details and I think they'll leave you alone.

  6. "if I can cut myself, why the h**l would you think it would hurt me to cut you"

    "Your right, I had an emotional issue and I am so glad to share the world with such caring people as you"

    "The suicide note will say it is all YOUR fault"

    "Your just jealous that you couldn't take the pain"

    "I wouldn't have done it if your mom hadn't been s******g my dad"

    "At least I can direct my anger on myself rather than spewing it onto innocent people like you are doing"

    "Back the F off I still have a blade b+tch"

    I don't mean to offend you or make fun of you, but I have found that by owning your issues and pointing out how horrible others are for making fun of them turn the tables right around.  If people are inquisative then explain your situation to them, they may be asking because they are curious and cutting is more common than you may think.  Be mean back to the mean ones and nice to the nice ones.  Maybe by someone caring enough to ask you can find a better friend.  I am glad you are better and remember that people at this age and in school are just mean and trying to feel better by making others feel worse.  Try to not let them hurt you!

  7. You can tell them that you have had enough pain and don't care to talk about it. If the persist then I would tell them to back off and go and enjoy their wonderful life.

  8. how about u say i heard ya mum's f.u.c.k.i.n.g. your boyfriend

    or like save your breath u will need it to blow up ur date later or say like when they tease u say thats even more funnier when i rapped ur mum last night then slit her wrists u f.u.c.k.i.n.g. C.U.NT or any swearing really get some balls and go ape **** lol

    anyway peace be with you

  9. I no longer cut myself, I've moved up to slitting peoples throats.

    I no longer cut myself, I've moved up to seeing other people bleed.

    The last person who tauted me needed stitches.

    I'm not afraid of seeing blood.... your's or mine.

    I have lots of very sharp knifes. I'll bring one in & show it to you in the bathroom tomorrow.

    Do you really think it's wise to taunt someone who is very skilled with sharp things?

    (Sorry to make fun, hope you've got a handle on this problem & good  luck & hope you have a friend in all this)
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