
Good companions for barbs?

by  |  earlier

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I have 3 kissing gouramis and 3 tiger barbs in 55 gl tank.

I would like to spice up my tank a little bit. I was looking at kribensis and blood parrot.

Do you think they could get along?

Any other ideas?




  1. There are quite a variety of barbs that will be okay in your tank, including other colors of tiger barbs.  Rosy barbs, cherry barbs are a couple.  Avoid tinfoil barbs, they get quite large.  Danios would be okay as they are fast enough to avoid having their fins and tails nipped by the barbs.  Avoid slow moving fish.  Kribensis may be okay.  Your barbs will look nicer with some other tiger barbs, color doesn't matter.

  2. pleco is a nice thing to add in to any tank

  3. Yes im pretty sure they will get along because i have 1kissing g. 2tiger b. and a blood parrot

  4. Start by getting rid of at LEAST one of the Gouramis-- at around 8", three of these are going to have problems staking out territory in a 55 gallon tank.  After that, get 5-9 more Tiger Barbs to complete their school-- if you don't, any new fish will be shredded in a matter of days by the stressed Tigers.  A couple Kribs would be a good choice, but I would avoid the Parrot, as it will be competing for space with the Gouramis, and will likely end up losing, as its mouth is so deformed.  How about a school of 10-15 Hatchets, Danios, or Rainbows?

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