
Good conspiracy theories anyone?

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Good conspiracy theories anyone?




  1. There are no such things.

    JFK was shot by Oswald. Six Apollo missions did land on the Moon. Elvis died of drugs. 9/11 was the result of four airplane hijackings by 19 Arab terrorists. There have been no aliens captured by the US, or any government.

    The B-52 is not " obsolete ". It still carries lot of bombs a very long distance, and thats all that it is asked to do. The loonies who believe in aliens improving our technology are the folks who don't understand a thing about science, technology, nor the politics of funding big science and big technologies.

  2. My favourite conspiracy theory (I will leave it to the reader to judge whether it is good or not) is that in the 1940s the USA cut a secret deal with aliens, in exchange for technology the aliens would get the right to conduct a few discrete experiments on Americans. The aliens double crossed the American government and gave them more or less useless technology...and began abducting Americans by the tens of thousands (or millions)  and performing bizarre nocturnal medical experiments on them.

    It's a beautiful theory because it is so elegant, it explains everything:

    UFOs, especially things like Roswell.

    Why the USA government goes to such great length to deny the existence of aliens and alien abduction.

    Alien abductions.

    And lastly why we are still using the B-52 decades after it should have been obsolete, and why the bomb loads and performance of our "hi-tech" stealth aircraft isn't even up to 1950s standards.

    cue Twilight Zone music...

  3. How about checking the Bilderberg Group?

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