
Good deal on hemp paper?

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Does anyone here know where I can get a good deal on a pack of hemp computer paper (8.5 x 11)? Websites where I can buy it online would be awesome, thank you.




  1. Unfortunately I dont have a direct answer for your question.  I remember looking into this same subject in the past for a 420 magazine that was sending out flyers.  Best bet is to do a quick search and youll come up with results.  It is pricier, simply because it isnt widespread....yet!  

    As far as being worse than corn, thats the farthest from the truth.  Hemp is a strong hardy plant, that doesnt require nearly as much water as corn.  Corn is very wasteful actually.  Corn uses a lot of water, leaches the soil of all trace minerals, and if used for fuel, is actually one of the worst.  There are other plants out there better, hemp being the best.  It is a strong fiber that can replace cutting trees down, and doesnt damage soil, but can actually revive it, by using the waste as compost unlike corn.  The government doesnt allow it simply because it would be too beneficial.  Kind of like demanding windpower over coal, which cause asthma.  Do you have asthma, allergies, or cancer.  Think what the cause could be? hmmm.  

    On a final note, if you want to hurt someone hurt yourself.  Use hemp for paper, use trees to slow down our co2, nox, etc...emissions.

  2. There are three companies with links at the top of the search I will attach.  I can't directly put the link as that would be promoting a particular product and a violation of the TOS of this website.  Just click on the link and check out some of the comapnies that sell hemp paper directly to make your selection.

  3. Hemp is a poster boy for some environmentalists, much as ethanol was until recently. Hemp, like corn for ethanol, uses up good farm land that is needed to feed people. Growing hemp on farm land allows us to avoid growing trees on land the is not suitable for farm land. But cutting trees for paper is a renewable process just as hemp is. When you harvest hemp it is paper just like a harvested tree is.

    The advantage to using trees is that we do not need to harvest them for a couple decades at a time.

    Claims are made of the great  food quality of hemp seed. Well, it is very good. but it is not better than millet if one can grow millet. Only where millet is not practical should we grow hemp for food. (Hemp and millet require the same heavy supply of plant nutrient as millet, so they do not fit well together in a rotation.)

    We have a bit of hemp paper in Canada, but not much. It is too much in demand for clothing.

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