
Good diaper pails that just uses normal bags?

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Can anyone tell me a type of odourless diaper pail that works well that doesn't require manufacturer refill bags. This diaper genie refill business is the biggest rip off I've even seen. Thanks.




  1. diaper pail are gross...can you imagine the stink, not to mention how heavy a full pail of dirty diapers would be...

    i use a safeway, or walmart bag, throw a diaper in it, tie it up, in the house hold garbage, no stink, and dosnt weigh a ton best of all, FREE

  2. I use the diaper champ. It is the same price as the diaper genie and you can find it at target or babies r us. You can use grocery bags or regular garbage bags and it's nice because you don't have to worry about the p**p mushing out of the diaper. You just turn the handle on top!

  3. I like my diaper pail..... the diaper champ.... is uses any regular garbage bags..... and it holds smell in.  

    I know many people say a diaper pail isn't necessary.... well I think they are if you have a changing table in your babies room....... that's where I change all my diapers..... I'll be damned if I am going to have just a ugly regular old garbage can in his room stinking.  I find my diaper changer VERY usefull!

  4. diaper champ

  5. I think that diaper pails are such a waste of money. Just get sented trash bags and take the trash out to the garage everyday/night

  6. Diaper Champ... but an odorless diaper pail is a FLUKE. Diaper Champ does a good job of keeping in the odor. You can find one at Target or Babies R Us.

  7. I have the Diaper Champ. I use just bags that i get from stores when i buy things. I would never buy those spendy bags! Good luck. I got the Diaper Champ from a used store for $5 and see them everywhere, so i saved a lot. Good luck

  8. Definately diaper champ!

  9. I did the whole diaper pail thing with my first baby and it really is just a waste of money and an extra bag of trash to carry out.  The trash can is easiest and less expensive.  Just make sure you take it out everyday and it will be fine.

  10. I always wrap up the used diapers tightly cuz it takes less space that way, and also helps to keep the smell contained.

    I use the Diaper Genie 2 without any bags for the dirty diapers, and dump it directly into the outside trash.  Wet ones usually go in the regular household trash.

    The Diaper Duck  is also nice to have on hand for the super stinkers when you can't take it outside right away.. also great for the diaper bag.  Best part is, it's less than 5 bucks and the refills are super cheap too!

  11. It's called a trash can with a liner in it.     Don't waste your money on something that does not work.

  12. I agree with everyone - we have a diaper champ and a diaper genie, and I love the diaper champ and hate the diaper genie.  My hubby loves the genie though =P  The diaper champ is pretty great, but you can still smell some of it.  We just use 13 gallon trash bags in it and empty it once a week (we have 2 diaper pails so it's only half of our weekly diapers) and you really have to get close to smell it.  The rest of our house does NOT smell like buttered popcorn (which is, for some reason what our daughters p**p smells like :D)

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