
Good digimon team?cause i must complete a quest wat should i do?

by  |  earlier

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i have all digimon scan data but so much i dont know which to pick cause i have to do a gai organ quest so team rite now im ill rate u best answer if u tell me thankyou:)




  1. ?

  2. Even if you scan a mega digimon, it's stats will still be very low. You have to raise them yourself. The best ATK stats to defeat the Gaia Origin is mid 800s-900s. They're very tough.

    Any digimon can be very strong, all you have to do it raise it yourself.

    Popular Digimon are Omnimon, ShineGreymon, MirageGaogamon. But it's really up to you.

    The team I defeated the Gaia origin challenge was VenomMyotismon, BlackWarGreymon, and Lotosmon. My stats were all 800+.

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