
Good drum set for a beginner?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a beginner and I am looking for a cheap drum set. This means $200. Links would be appreciated.




  1. If you want an acoustic drum set, those usually go at least $300. you can start out with an electronic drum set. If you want a drum controller (the small ones you can put on your lap and has pads that imitate drum sounds), those range about $50-$150. If you want a true electric drum set, they range about $200-$1000.

  2. heyy  i play drums to! My first drum set was Trak and its excellent for a biginner.

    im not sure what some cheap drum sets are  but this link will give yah someting

  3. I'd start by browsing on ebay just to see what $200 will buy. You might also try putting a classified ad in your local newspaper. If you buy used, make sure it's a brand you recognize, like Pearl.

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