
Good evning how are you? we are eight years around from working social work but we are not populer so tel me?

by  |  earlier

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we are social worker so we want money. but how? we protected people but we dont have Financial saport how we will get enough money then we will saport them? we think about the poor people those have not any house for them thing so that if we have a little hostel then we help them to stay. If any body problem like morder,reef case,suiside, 420,etc. relatetd this in that for working but sametimes we are not geting saport on that time what we have to do? we are leading the councultencey if any girls are going to the wrong way in that time how to give her advice then they sequre them life? how to publiced? we have not any print midia not any electronice midia but we are so help full people we have so help full organaigatin of this how can teling world? we want Financial saport our organaigetoin but how to do and geting financial saport? Our Organaigetoin Daing cultural menly tribal cultural protecting and doing but at a long time without financial saport not doing we want s




  1. Most schools of social work have financial aid offices.  It does not seem that English is your native language.  So if you want to study social work in the US you will need to work on your language proficiency.   You may want to stay in your own country and seek out education there.


  2. Where are you from?  Your English needs a lot of work.  Your post isn't too clear due to your English level.

  3. 1) Take up tuitions for several students for a cheap rate

    2) Do some part-time job somewhere for atleast an our a day and use the money

    3) Approach some schools and ask them to collect 1re every week from each student as charity...

    4) Approach your friends and relatives and ask them to contribute 1re per week / 10rs per month and tell them what purpose you will utilise the money

    5) Start a small buying fashion accessories for girls in a very cheap rate and sell them for a price or buy something from wholesale shops and sell them...

    6) Offer to help any junior class teachers while preparing notes or correcting books or papers for a small amount like 1re per book/paper, etc...

    If you people are 5 in number, if you guys collect 10rs per day, it would be 50rs totally...per month you will gain 50*30=1500 on an average, as the worst case...

    But remember one thing...make people realise how INSIGNIFICANT 1re telling them that 1re is nothing compared to a 10re chocolate...the chocolate may not do any good, but 1re helps feed a stomach, etc...

    NEVER GO FOR PUBLICITY through media or paper...word of mouth always spreads like wild-fire...

    Also, you can say that the top-contributor receives a prize every month and you can arrange for a small trophy-cup or certificate...(a trophy cup costs 50rs...or if you get a small "top contributor" page printed and get it laminated, it costs you less than 30rs)

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