
Good excercises???

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do you know any good excercises to get further down when doing plies? and also any good excercises for geting more flexible and doing the splits




  1. if you lay on your back bring your knee to your chest with a flexed foot and pull your leg straight as if you were holding it to your nose. do that for about a week and you should get it. and also remember to be warm when your stretching. it helps you become even more flexible. :) good luck!

  2. Splits:

    After you have your splits totally to the ground, try taking two chairs and standing one foot one each chair. Slide into the splits while pushing the chairs further and further apart. Because there is nothing under your hamstrings, (like a floor when you are in the splits on the floor) you will go further (Hyper extended splits)

    As far as plie, just keep doing grande plies with your feet turned out more and more every time. It is all in your hips (this is called your turnout) so doing the "Butterfly" stretch on the floor will help a lot. When you are sitting with the bottoms of your feet touching, do not "bounce." Gently lift your heels off of the floor with your hands while keeping your toes on the floor. As you are doing this, try pushing down on your knees very gently with your elbows. Just make sure you don't "Bounce" your knees like a "butterfly.' This can cause injury.

  3. some good stretches for plies are butterfly stretch(sitting down with the bottoms of your feet together making like a diamond and then hold your feet and bend over) or frog stretch(bend your knees all the way and be on demi pointe squatting down like a frog, then put pressure on your legs to turn them out more)

    some good exercises for getting your splits are sitting on the floor with your legs out to the sides, then go down in the middle and try to touch your nose to the floor while keeping your feet turned out. another one is if you have a bar and put one leg on it so that your foot is about even with your face. then bend towards it (in front of you) and stretch it out. then do the same thing turning so your leg is to the side of you, and then do the same thing with your other leg. also if you put on leg on the bar with your chest touching the bar and slide your bar leg away from you so that you're stretching your hips and groin.

    i do these stretches every day because i'm not naturally very flexible and they help a lot. i am 1 inch from having my splits now! as long as you stretch (these i just mentioned) and stretch often and are dedicated, you will have your splits sooner than you think! good luck!

  4. ask your ballet teacher

  5. stretching a lot will make you more flexible
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