
Good excuse for lost ipod?

by  |  earlier

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i don't wanna get in bad trouble.

i wasn't aloud to bring it to school & i did.

my mom already knows that part.

no stupid answers.

thanks. :]




  1. somone stole it. and you learned your lesson.  

  2. ummmmmm.... why did u bring it to school in the first place.. -_-;;

    uhhhhhh just say that your friend borrowed it at school and he/she lost it... maybe she'll believe for a WHILE... after that.. no idea.

    good luck :0

  3. it broke so i threw it away...............haha.................... left it in my locker and my locker is jammed...............friends borrowing my room somewhere..........hope that helps

  4. well my friend washed hers in her pocket you could try that

  5. Same thing happened with me!! But mine was stolen ( losers...) if you lost it tell her that someone stole it, but make sure she doesnt call the school and ask the principal to search the lockers around you or anything. She will probably suggest it. Get prepared! lol

    Hope i helped.

  6. bully took in from your hands threw it down threw it away and said if you say his/her name to anyone you'll pay

  7. um im not sure maybe a friends barrowed it and lost it or i droped it and it broke so i threw it away

    sorry thats all i got  

  8. say someone said they were going to make up a rumor if you didnt give it to them...and you dont remember who it was

  9. some one stole it from my bag.....while i went to get lunch or sth

  10. You let your friend (someone she has never met) borrow it...then you should keep looking for it and if you can't find it....well at least I bought you some time.

  11. I set it down for a minute, but then So-and-so called me over and we went to their locker, totally forgot about it.

  12. u had it in ur bag and some1 stole it

  13. ok first of all u should tell ur mom the truth because that is sooo totally wrong to hide anything from her but i will tell u the best excuse ever made in history of man kind. ok tell her that there was this one kid who pushed me down sooo badly and i got hurt and when that happened my ipod broke cauz it waz in my pocket. or u could tell her that it fell into a puddle of water when my friend bumped me accidently. mmm u could also say that there waz a foriegn girl i made friends with and she never saw an ipod soo i gave it too her and she like messed with the switches so it was all screwed and it wouldn't work so i had to throw it. i liked tried everything. oh yeah i gave a couple of suggestions please pick me for best answer. i could really use the points.

  14. If I wa sin this situation just say yu let a friend borrow it :)

  15. you let your friend borrow it

  16. it was stolen

  17. dropped it while getting in the car or walking

    friend borrowed it and lost it

    you lost it

    teacher took it and can't have it back

    say you gave it to your mom ^^

    it's not working anymore??

  18. you accidently left it in your purse when you went to school, maybe? or you dropped it when getting in the car and your carpool took off and you could not get it.... good luck hopefully it was a small cheap one and not the large expensive one...

    You might also be better off just telling the truth and taking what you get that way you only loose your moms trust on this issue instead of that and lying...

  19. it fell out of the car during the drive by shooting

  20. Jesus helping a person who sounds like my sister..

    Well...she said it was stolen when she brought it too school..but she just lost it on the bus..


  21. Teacher needed some music for a party maybe?.......

  22. say that it was in your locker and it was taken up in a locker check

  23. Everyone at school has iPods. We're allowed to plug them in to charge them and during break someone stole mine.

  24. haha. been there done it.

    you can say someone stole if during PE from the lockers,

    but watch your stuff next time!

  25. You heard from someone that somebody else had stolen it.

    You tried to get it back but couldnt.  

  26. it must have been that w***e who stole it....d**n!

  27. I say you have 2 choices....

    1.Tell her the truth and deal with the consequences or

    2.Totally lie to your mom and feel guilty after words

    I would go with one tho if you lie she will end up finding out sooner or later and it will just be harder since you told a lie...

  28. Your best bet would just to tell her the truth. That you brung it to school even though you she told you not to and just say sorry

  29. your dog ate it

  30. It's summer, where did school come from?

  31. Tell her the truth.  Even if she gets angry, she'll recall you told the truth when she considers getting other stuff for you in the future and that you could be trusted in telling the truth.  Like when your parents are getting you A CAR.

    But if you absolutely must lie, just wait a few days and ask innocently "mom have you seen my ipod?".  And pretend you lost it at home.

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