
Good excuse for roofer for scheduling an appointment?

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i want to schedule an appointment with a roofer but i dont want him to rip me off and talk c**p so i wanted someone i know thats a builder (and male and older) to be there. thing is i need to call up and make an appointment, i have a few dates available that my friend could be there for the quote but if that falls thru, how can i make an excuse to go check the dates with my friend if he could be there without saying "let me check my mate can be there so you dont try to rip me off?" i guess i cud say "i am free these dates, but otherwise i would have to check my diary and reschedule some things?" would that work? and do i have to explain who this guy is to the roofer if he asks if my mate lives there or wont he question anyone else?




  1. You could just say "Can I call you back to confirm these dates?". That's all you would need to say, really.

  2. First - get several estimates - at least 3.  If someone's estimate is way out of line, this will let you know.  Talk to friends who have had work done to get recommendations.  Or talk to people at lumber yards, and ask for recommendations there.  They will know who does good work, based on who is buying a lot of material.  If they are selling a lot of shingles to the same guy over and over, he must be experienced, and good at the job.

    You don't have to explain anything to the roofers.  You can have whoever you want with you when you get the estimate.  But if you feel the need to say anything, just say "This is my friend Bill.  He knows more about roofs and stuff than I do", and let it go at that.

    And it's not a problem to tell the roofers that you can only be there on a certain days or times.  Home owners have lives and schedules, too.  The roofers will have to work around that, or risk not getting the job.

  3. You are the customer, if he wants the work, he'll come when it suits you - regardless of how many people you have there and whether or not they live there, it really is nothing to do with him - is it?

  4. Have your friend with you when you call for the appointment. When the contracter gives you a date and time ask your friend if its ok. If the contracter asks who he is, just say a friend, and leave it at that. If the contractor doesn't say anything about don't even bring it up

  5. firstly why can your friend not quote you for the work?

    secondly..why not let your friend make the arrangement with the roofer when to meet?

    How can anyone rip you off or talk c**p when all they will be doing is to come & inspect the problem with a view to give you an estimate for the work.

    get 3 seperate estimates from 3 seperate roofers and then you can compare.

    Even after all that you can still say no!

  6. No need to make excuses... Let the contractor know you will be having a friend or 50 friends present to help you with the process.

    Don't say he's there cuz you don't want to get ripped off. That puts a negative presence in the contractor and puts him on the defensive side thinking; you think he's going to rip you off..

    Be honest and simply say I would prefer to schedule this estimate when he's here.

    NEVER tell contractors when your not there. Safety 1st

    Get 3-5 estimates. seems like allot or overkill?  A roof is a huge investment and if done poorly the consequences can be expensive.

    Still think it's overkill?

  7. I wouldn't worry about it... It is your right to have 30 people there if you want to....You simply tell him... I have a builder friend that wants to be here when you give an estimate..If they don't want to show up due to this..then he is scared of something and you were better off him not giving a bid to start with..You call someone else is all.. I am a retired 37 year experienced contractor (painting) and I welcomed people knowledgeble of construction to be there when I gave bids to people that did not know..I have got alot of jobs even though i my be a little higher, but the knowledgeble person knew I knew my products and what I was talking about, verses the cheaper "You pay peanuts, and you get monkeys" bidder, that didnt have a clue what he was doing and end up with a shoddy job...Just be upfronnt..A simple..I would like you to give me an estimate when my friend that is knowledgeble of construction is here...No need for games..If they are shoddy they wont show..good enough..

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