
Good excuses for being out of school?

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ok so at my school you can only have 10 abcenses before you need to have a doctors note, not just a mommmys one. i have had 5 days with a mommy's not and one with a doctors. im home right now sick with really bad flu symptoms, and i need a mommy's note for that cuz u cant go to the doctor for the flu. next friday i am staying home to go florida vacation shopping with my mom and bro. what would be a really good excuse? something kinda differnt then oh "carly" was sick... and no appts. either, just good ones. also i have all A's and im not a bad student at all... no detetntion, punishments.... could that also help?

and is staying home from schhool one day each week for 3 weeks like suspicous like bad?




  1. Of course you can go to the doctor for the flu.  If you're sick, go to the doctor.

    There's really no such thing as a "good excuse" to stay home, other than illness or an appointment.  Schools don't always fall for the creative stories people try to make up to cover an absence.  If your mother is taking you out of school to go shopping, she may not want to cover another absence this week.

    In other words -- if you're sick enough to stay home, you're sick enough to go to the doctor and get a note.  If you're not sick, go to school.

  2. I'm not sure how old you are, but if your mom needs to write a note, maybe you should talk it over with her about what it should say?  It is always good to avoid a lie, so perhaps you can fit in a museum visit into your trip.  Then her note can say that you will be absent so that you can travel to the museum.

    To address something the first poster (ktrb) said: "In other words -- if you're sick enough to stay home, you're sick enough to go to the doctor and get a note. If you're not sick, go to school."

    I think that really isn't a fair thing to say.  Sometimes a person IS too sick to go to school - with a bad cold, or the flu, but does NOT need a doctor's care.  People don't need to run to the doctor for every minor ailment, but should stay home to recover and prevent the spread of the cold or virus.  Also, not everyone can AFFORD to go to the doctor for such issues.  This is why so many kids already go to school SICK, because they cannot afford to go to the doctor to get a note and have missed too many days already.

    I hope you feel better, Tory!

    : )  Petra

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