
Good eye breaking down?

by  |  earlier

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If someone has good vision in one eye, and very bad in the other, can the good eye just get worn down and stop functioning?




  1. Actually it would be the other way around.  While the eyes are developing (in young children), if vision in one eye is very poor, the brain will "shut it off," and if left uncorrected will lead to a condition called amblyopia.  Once the eyes have developed, though, they will not stop functioning due just to poor visual acuity.

  2. what?? no.  

    You just need correction in the one bad eye.

  3. Each eye works independent of the other , so having just one eye doesn't make it work any harder than if you had both.

    Lots of people have just one eye, and it doesn't get tired or strained any faster than those who have two eyes.

    It isn't like they share the workload 50/50 when you have both eyes.

  4. no. everybody has a stronger eye.

    but if you are worried go to your optician

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