
Good fighting technique?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so today i was walking to grab the mail when i saw some kids standing on the side of the road, and it was one of those situations where they stop talking for a minute and you don't say anything either because you're both looking at one another, but one of the kids finally spoke up and said something that really hurt my feelings. It was, "That Naruto headband makes you look q***r." I turned around and looked at him and told that he made a big mistake by saying that. He got up in my face and pushed me and said "Why, are you gonna make me regret it?" I looked him in the eye and told him that he doesn't know who he's messing with and that I had the power to turn into a dragon (total bluff of course). I started flapping my arms, flaring my nostrils, and growling as loud as I could to try to scare him off. He and his friends promptly gave me a beating and told me not to mess with him again. I'm wondering if this could be a good scare tactic if I developed it more, and if so, how?




  1. understnd the introduction of game

  2. NO!!!

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