
Good first/learning bike?

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I am a 5'10 110 pound male. I was looking into sport bikes, and I was figuring on a '08 Kawasaki Ninja 250R. Would it be sufficient to handle my frame, and would it be a good learning bike?




  1. While something in the 250 range is a great learning bike, be mindful of how long you expect to keep the bike. If you want it for more than a year, it might be a good idea to check out a 600cc model that fits you physically and just be careful not to get too cocky too quickly.

    If you've got the disposable income to trade up within a year, then by all means, go for the 250 to learn. Whatever the state of your wallet, the most important thing should be your comfort level and safety.

  2. the 250 iz only good if you don't mind getting smoked by everything else on the road with two wheels, get the 600 and watch yaself

  3. 250 cc class bikes are perfect bikes for first timer.

    Good Luck...

  4. Yep it would be a good choice.

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