
Good food for toddlers???

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i have a 2 yr old and was just wondering what are some good healthy snack foods. preferably stuff with no preservatives, little to no sugar etc??? i need some food suggestions that she will like, that are healthy and wont make her hypo.




  1. "Bananas, Grapes (not whole), Carrots, Apples, Oranges".

    If you do go for a packaged snack, though, I suggest you scout out short ingredient lists, whole grains, and as little sugar and salt as possible. Don't imagine anything is good for her... Fruit flavored snacks are often glorified gummy bears.  Also beware of wolves in "whole grain's" clothing such as Dunkin' Donuts' Wheat Glazed Cake Donut with its heart-stopping 19 grams of fat.

    So feed her fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy foods. However if she likes to occasionally munch cheese puffs (or chips or cookies), then it makes sense to switch to the healthier ones. Just use junk food (organic or not) to teach her moderation, and the strange pleasure of eating something wonderfully — but terribly — delicious.

    My Decent Snack Choices:

    Trail mix:   Make your own from almonds and walnuts, which offer the most protein, fiber, and minerals for the least saturated fat. Add in dried fruits, pumpkin seeds, and low-sugar cereals.

    Bananas:   Full of potassium and conveniently packaged for "her" by Mother Nature.

    Whole grain crackers:   Try Wasa crispbreads or Triscuits for scooping up low-fat cottage cheese.

    Apple slices:   Spread them with peanut butter for fiber, vitamins, and protein.

    Whole grain tortilla chips:   Douse them with melted cheese (protein and calcium!) and mild salsa (lycopene! which is an antioxidant!) or guacamole (healthy fats and vitamins!).

    Freeze-dried fruit:   It offers the crunch of chips with the additive-free nutrients of fresh fruit, and a nice change of textural pace. Try Trader Joe's strawberries or Crispy Green's pineapple.

    Slim Jims:   Because... I'm totally kidding!

  2. You can never look past fruit for the healthiest option and the prettiest too full of colour for them, like fruit salad, my daughters loooved chopped up watermelon, kiwifruit and strawberries, banana's etc.

    I don't know why but they also loved weetbix with butter on them (yuck) but they loved it, carrot, celery and cheese sticks are always good (my girls like to dip them into a lil bit of mayo), Make sandwiches fun but using cookie cutters and cutting out interesting shapes like animals etc. Could make scones (all sorts of flavours) and let her help make them (even at 2 they can help - mine did), messy but heaps of fun. Rice snacks like Sakata's etc aren't too bad.

  3. I also have a 2 year old daughter and usually around snack time i give her grapes, apple slices, peaches, 1/2 of a all natural peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread, all natural vanilla yogurt and add berries or bananas to it, granola mix that i make at home myself with dried fruits and nuts with whole grain oats. I usually buy almonds, peanuts, walnuts and sunflower seeds, dried cranberries,dried blue berries, or a mixed bag of dried fruits and about 3 cups of whole grain oats and about 1-2 cups of raw honey. I mix all of my dry ingredients into a bowl together and then add my honey and mix very well and put onto a baking dish and bake in the oven for about 25 minutes at 400 degrees and then let it cool completely and break it up and put into a air tight storage container. My little girl LOVES it and its very healthy for her and will give her energy without overloading her with sugar or making her hyper. If your concerned about giving her over the counter snacks with preservatives then i would make her some applesauce or something like that. Puree any kinds of fruits you like. I also purchased a juicer and started making fresh juice here at our home instead of buying alot of super market juices because of the high sugar contents. Best of luck to ya!!!  

  4. Hi There I found with my daughter that she really liked

    *Fruit platters


    *Home made quiches (just egg& ham)

    *mini pizza ( english muffin, ham,pineapple &cheese)

    *Fruity rice (cooked rice, fresh or dried fruit & top with youghurt)

    *Vegie puffs (potato,carrot,zucchini,pumkin,broccoli,... pastry)

    *2 min noodles   (they have great fun)

    Anything really it is important to give them a range of foods so they can try them. Just please don't puree them. Experiment try different things.

  5. i have 2 year old  too and he has become a bit picky latley but he absolutley loves rockmelon and honey dew and water melon.

    all the messy fruits and jelly too, make eating fun as well as healthy

  6. mash up carrot, celery with peanut butter ,  

  7. apples, banana's, ritz crackers, otter pops, fruits in general, most crackers are good N healthy.....  

    best of luck

  8. fruit is by far the easiest and healthiest snack option. serve with natural yogurt for dipping if preferred.

    dip sticks like carrots, celery and cheese into yogurt or hummus.

    mini rolls. put some turkey, sprouts and swiss cheese in small tortilla wraps.

    fruit salad with mint leaves

    home made fruit smoothies - wizz up some fruit pieces, yogurt, milk and ice.

    rainbow salad sandwiches - layer salad with colours - grated fresh beetroot, grated carrot, grated cheese, lettuce, and ham.

    celery boats - put various spreads into celery. try peanut paste and mayo with sultanas. yum. or cream cheese.

    traffic light biscuits. serve three wholegrain biscuits (e.g. saladas) on one have cherry tomatos. next one have cheese. and put avocado on the last one.

    brown fried rice. cook up brown rice and let cool. once rice has been in fridge overnight it's perfect for frying up. So, fry up some ham, onion and tomato in small pieces. splash in some soy sauce. Then add rice and fry it all together. At the end add some spring onions and herbs to taste.

    Serve in bowl as a meal, as a side dish or put in half capsicums and roast in the oven.

    banana ice blocks. Freeze half banana's on skewers. serve like ice blocks.

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