
Good for a 11 Year old Pitching?

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I know youre not suppose to throw a breaking pitch at this age but heres what i throw

1Fastball 89-110 mph almsot no movement - am I good?

2 Curveball-94-98 mph Decent Movement - am I good?

3 Changeup-98-152 mph little movement - am I good?

4 splitter - 145-250 mph little movement - am I good?

I'm not looking for compliments. Am I good? I'm good, aren't I?




  1. HEY! this was my question you troll!! lol

  2. idk, most kids your age are throwing at least 30 MPH harder on every pitch you throw with 4-5 feet of movement. Try working a little harder and you may make your HS team when the time comes.

  3. hey buzz.!

    you suck big balls

    you douche bag.!

    like i said before..

    GET A LIFE.!

  4. Okay Buzz , I'll play along.

    What are your true initials? J.C.

    Take a look at the question which is two up from this one.

    I told the 13 year old braggart to ask you about his "out of this world"  pitching "stuff"

    Is this the real Buzz Jockington who posted earlier today about repetitious questions.

    Will any one else notice?

    I hope so!

  5. ha i wish I could throw that hard....wait! I CAN

  6. Awesome. But is the art of the Gyroball dying with 11 year olds?

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