
Good fuel economy for 2000 mustang V6 3.8L (manual)

by  |  earlier

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this question is for those of you who have a manual transmission 2000 mustang V6 3.8L, and know about it. I'm trying to figure our what rmp range i should be driving at to save fuel. So, I can drive at 55 mph in fifth gear with the rpm at 1500 (the point where if i go any lower it starts choking)...or i can drive above that at like 65 mph with the rpm at 2000...which should i do?...basically what I'm asking is, should i drive at the lowest rpm possible, but so the car doesn't start choking, or should i drive at a speed where the rpm is normal but faster.





  1. a lot of cars have better fuel economy at RPMs lower than 2500. Plus it puts less wear and tear on your engine

  2. try 1800-1900 range and see how it does, i find I gain 4 mpg driving at 65 instead of 75..  oh, and coast all you can, hypermiling..

  3. Um, why don't you check my source?  It might help.  Go look at it.  

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