
Good games for a party?

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The party is this Saturday.

I have Catch Phrase but I wanted maybe two more. There'll be about 10 ppl. Give or take a couple.





  1. Ahh, I love playing party games.

    Pictionary is a great game if you can split the teams pretty evenly.  There is always a lot of interteam arguing, which makes it very interesting.

    Taboo is an excellent game.  The object of the game is to make your team say a word without saying any of the "Taboo" words below it.  10 people is perfect for this game.

    Gestures is a funny game.  It has been called Charades on crack.  There is a contraption that holds 4 cards with nouns on them, words you must act out without talking to get your team to guess it.  Once your team guesses it, you must grab the card from the contraption before it swallows it. 2 big teams are great for this game, so 10 people is perfect.

    I LOVE mafia. It is hard to explain, so I'll just link you up.  It's basically a psychological mystery game for larger groups.  

    Godot was here.

  2. seen it is a good game and taboo is a fun game too

  3. For "party games" it does depend on the number of people, their ages, and how much game playing background that they have.

    A current new title is "Gift Trap" which is rather unique, but it only plays eight.  

    An older one is "Apples to Apples" which does not require people have much of a gaming background.  

    If it is a younger crowd you could play "Werewolf" or "Lupus in Tabula".

    If an older crowd not willing to do different things then stick with older non-board game standbys.

  4. Cranium is a great game, good for laughs and silliness. It's good for all kinds of different personalities.


    Trivial Pursuit

    these questions are probably hardest since it also encompasses a very broad, general history and knowledge

    Smarty Party

    more common questions in the format of Family Feud.   While all players play against each other, they also contribute answers towards a common category

    Scene It

    requires a TV + DVD player.  Questions depends on the version you buy, like movies edition, TV edition, or some music edition

    'ACTION' GAMES (games that require quick hand movement and/or good hand eye dexterity):

    Don't Panic

    turning the board with a k**b, assembling blocks together, placing required "flags" into your container piece..... all under a time limit is what makes this action game unique


    This one is a mix of trivia and manual dexterity.  One of the activities from the tv ad is "let the dog flip a frog", but a human player could also do that :)

    Win, Loss, Or Draw

    draw stuff and have people guess it



    not quite a party game, but eh, it does kill time


    Similar to above, but offers more depth IMO

  6. I think that LIFE is a really good boardgame, also a game called frame it... frame it is a brain board game its really fun, there's also well, monoply, and guess who, and snakes and ladders, also upword and scrabble, theres also um checkers... well I hope you have fun with these games!


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