
Good guys don't exist? Love a game?

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I like this 26 year old polish entreprenuer. I am 22 and african american. We both like each other and we both think this could turn into something very promising. We have pretty much our whole lives in common and we have similar goals for our lives.

At work today, I was blabbing about him to my coworker when a customer interrupted and lectured me on how there are no "good men", no 'mr right?'"

He said guys are in the dating game for s*x only and if they tell you otherwise they are liars. He said the majority of these "liars" are from the ages of 18-30.

My guy, being 26 fits thats loop...however, I am going with my gut! My gut says this guy really is different in the best way possible!

When I'm with him I am totally myself and I adore his company and his kisses :)

When I'm not with him, I'm fine. I'm not clingy with him. I am not too girly with the missing him and needing him around.

But is this some act? I dont think s*x is his main objective

After spending time with him I am sure that he really likes me

..I don't want to get my heart broken..

but..don't good guys exist?

Whats your input? Are you with a good guy? What's he like?




  1. I am so happy that you now found the right guy...the best advice you can ever get is from your life you have to make decisions based on what you want and not some customer that came up to at work and started  telling you things...

    majority of guys out there think that all girls are gold diggers and want your cannot judge people off of what has happend in the past relationships or what somebody else says to you...

    your heart and your gut plus your mind is your best advice kit...nobody else and nothing else...there are plenty of good guys out there...just remember nobody is perfect and no relationship is perfect..

    i have been with my bf for 5 years and its up and down...but at the end of the day we belong together...and that is whats great...

    you'll only learn if you are in the relationship not if you guess...

    good luck..

  2. Good guys DO exist !    This guy has not given you any reason not to trust him.  Don't let other peoples bad experiences influence your relationship with a good man.  Enjoy this guys good company and be thankful you have someone in your life that you enjoy spending quality time with.

  3. yea, sure,, good guys are out there,, most are already married,, but if you think u found a good one.. go get it.. you all adults.. just rock and have fun.. time will tell.. and that is realy the only way you will ever find out.

  4. Yes, I exist, but you'll probably never find me.

    All guys just want s*x; you're just going to have to deal with that.

    No guy is an exception -- even good guys just want s*x too.

  5. I feel like most of the good guys are taken or I reject them.I think you should give this guy a try.I'll say at least you tried.

  6. Your customer doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm a nice guy. I treat ladies with respect and don't have s*x on my mind 24/7. If you think he's a good guy...go for it. It's no ones business but yours.

    Good luck.

  7. That is a toughy... id go with your gut...

    I am with a great guy who cares enough for me.  He is funny, talented, atractive and is everything ive ever wanted in a guy

    He knows all my "loops" and knows me completely

    I trust him with my life

    Hopefully this guys like that to you

    He sounds nice

  8. It really depends on your definition of "good". What might be good in your eyes might not be what others figure to be good.

  9. Just wait till the right one will comes to you !!!

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