
Good hamster cage? - critter trail three?

by  |  earlier

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please, someone who has had this cage

please, can you tell me if it is a good cage?

it doesn't matter about how hard cleaning is, i just want to know if it is good, and safe?

also could you maybe tell me a little about it?





  1. the quality is good but they will usually chew everything so make sure you keep your hammy busy like any toys and such  it isnt that hard to clean just make sure you get the right stuff

  2. No,sorry it is lacking in width.I have a teddy bear hamster,they get quite big.Crittertrail cages are easy for hamsters to escape from,my friend's and sevral other people have collapsed.I would suggest this habitrail,its the one i use:

  3. For a hamster, I wouldn't go with a wire cage of any sort. While it would provide good ventilation, hamsters will push the bedding out of the wires while digging around in their cage, which makes a huge mess.

    I actually would suggest a tank - depending on what type of hamster you are looking for, a 10gal or larger would be perfect. It would need a locking lid - a heavy metal mesh lid works well, especially for ventilation - and no bedding would be able to get out, so no mess.

  4. These cages fall apart easily (especially the latches & clips) and are VERY hard to clean, they are also expensive! I have had critter trail two and three, as well as the mini one. I was glad to throw them out for old fashioned replacements.

    I have found that wire cages with bin bottoms are more durable and easy to clean. You can find ones with levels and houses and other cute add-ons. Provide paper towel tubes for tunneling inside the cage, rather than plastic ones. Critter Trail cages look cute and fun at first, but you quickly become annoyed with them no matter what kind of pet you place in it.

    The wire cage will not make a mess if you get a BINNED one as I suggested which has high plastic sides to prevent bedding from pushing out. Aquariums and closed in cages can cause toxic build-up in the air from urine and f***s, and has poor air circulation. Also avoid pine or cedar bedding as they put out toxins when urinated on do to their natural aromatic oils. Instead opt for aspen wood bedding, carefresh or another recycled material.

    As with any cage, make sure the wires spaces are not too far apart or very easy to bend to avoid your pet's head from getting caught during an attempted escape.

  5. This cage is a good quality cage but it doesn't provide enough floor space for any species of hamster. I suggest the Crittertrail Outlook as a starter home. Later (or now) you can attach the Crittertrail Three or any of the other Crittertrail habitats, tubes or activity centers.

  6. I have the critter trail pink- same company and it has been a very good cage. Just be fairly gental when taking plastic parts off, it may break.

  7. I had a different cage by Critter Trail and my daughter's hamster got out repeatedly and we never found it the last time, plus it fell apart when cleaning it and took 2 people to hold it to put it back together.  I bet this is the same.

  8. oh no. syrians get stuck in that kind of thing......... they can also get hurt by eating up the tubes. i suggest a wire cage, because teddies like to climb and they can climb all they like on a wire cage.

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